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It is justifiable getting a new video card? (without upgrading anything else on my system)

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So I have been out of the computer building scene since 2012, so I am behind on all the latest tech. I need some help. I currently have:


HD 7770


Intel Core i5 2500k Sandy Bridge

Antec 650w TruePower Trio

1080 resolution monitor (single)


I have been playing Skyrim and have recently dove into the world of mods. Without mods Skyrim runs fine on my machine, but when I start adding texture packs and other various mods, my current system simply can't keep up anymore.


I would ideally like to just keep everything I have and just throw in a new card. Money isn't really an issue, but I don't want to spend money on stuff I don't need.


I was thinking just throwing in an R9-280x or something similar?

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