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I came to suggest a mod that allows scaling for summoned units!
Or perhaps if I'm completely in the wrong and one does exist.

Anywho, it goes simply like this, the higher your conjuration the stronger the summon.
I found the idea of boosting the duration quite silly, why would I need a level one summon to last ten minutes when it takes less than a second to die?

Fights lasts seconds not minutes, The summon is there to buy me time, or if I'm using a necromancer it may be the exact weapon of the fight!

When you first purchase a summon spell, and use it, it's stained onto that level that it is set to, i.e. a novice conjuration spell will do Novice damage. That means late game it will be nothing more than a dust bunny compared the the raw power of a high level enemy. What should we do? Buy higher level spells, and this is the same solution for every level.

Buying the NEXT best spell is pointless and silly, yes costlier conjuration spells have spell casting Lich's and weapon immune ghosts, but the image of sending a strong skeleton or Wolf into the fray is just a darn aesthetic and I'm terrible at trying to find the NEXT conjuration spell.

So overall, the higher the conjuration the stronger the:

Diversity among the few,

Maybe spell casters get better spells, and undead might spawn in with an additional buddy.
While skeletons just get better weapons and armor.

Please no perks!
(Unless they work with SKYRE.)

Thanks very much for reading.

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