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"Crash to Desktop" Issues


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As I attempt more and more download mods from Nexus I'm experiencing more and more "CTDs" when opening DOORs. Honest!


"Meet such-and-such at blah-blah." Just as I attempt to open the door, "BAM, I CTD!"


Would you have any idea as to why this happening?

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Quite a vague question but yes, there are lots of things that can cause CTD's. A major cause of CTD's is save game bloating, if you remove mods that use scripts they're left behind in the save file basically corrupting it. Check the file size of your save, anything over 4mb generally is bloated. Auto-saving, save on wait and save on fast travel also corrupt and bloat saves.


Mod wise you'd have to do some troubleshooting, load orders cause crashes more than anything so firstly download BOSS to sort it and check the results for any errors, then run FNVEdit to scan for errors, if any are found it will give you a warning and reason in the message box to the right.


Perhaps it's a memory or lag issue? You could try...

NVSR (New Vegas Stutter Remover).

NVAC (New Vegas Anti Crash).



Try out what I mentioned and if nothing works then post your load order and let me know...

-Is it always in the same area?

-What quest is currently active?

-Have you messed with your ini files?

-What specs are your computer?

Edited by FaR2sToNeD
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