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final fantasy summons mod


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I'm a huge fan of final fantasy including the summons from the series now i like the oblivion summons

creatures but the ones in final fantasy kick but i want 2 see them all in oblivion and i want the beat them to use them type deal here is one example to get ifrit beat him in dagon's realm 2 get shiva head into the mountains north of bruma to get quezacotl fight him in a thunderstorm etc.

Tall me wat ya think.

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  • 9 months later...
Great idea really, There is one method you can do this in. Find a mod that adds certain "Races" into the game, pick the ones that best resemble such creatures as ifrit. Then tag them as summonable, put them in a summoning spell. And there you have it.
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I've often hoped and dreamed of a similar mod. Especially the aeons from FFX. If it were a summoning system like in Midas Magic, where a creature is summoned until you choose to dismiss it... It would be awesome. Unfortunately... Well, maybe it wouldn't be so tough, for some of them. Seems like Ixion, Yojimbo, Shiva, and the Magus Sisters would all be doable, since they're human or horse, and already in-game. Any talented modders out there interested...? Personally, the one I'd most like to see is Bahamut. Maybe using the Balrog from MM as a starting point... Hmm... Makes me wish I could make my own meshes and textures, haha.
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