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What happens to Vampires after they die?


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Ok so, we know that pretty much everyone has a specific afterlife they go to. (Nords to Sovngarde, Lycans to the Hunting Grounds, etc.) But what about Vampires?


I know M.B has Cold Harbor, and that the Vampires are his creations, so they might just get sent there.


But, It's mentioned in the game that your soul is destroyed or removed by the vampirism disease.


So which is it? Do dead Vampires end up in Cold Harbor? Or are they just removed from existence completely?

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The disease-curse of Vamparism takes your soul and gives it to Molag Bal. When you BECOME a Vampire, the Prince of Rape takes your soul. So, when a Vampire dies, Molag already has their soul anyway.


Part of being cured is re-connecting the link between the body and the soul, pulling it from Cold Harbour and back to Mundus. So, when you cure Porphyritic Haemophilia, you actually get your soul back.

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Clearly you've never been to Cold Harbour...


That said, we're not entirely sure what the fate awaits some of the 'Ways' either... In particular, the "Scarab that becomes the New Man" and the fulfilling of a prophesy. We also know that most afterlife's are an illusion created by the Dreamsleave wiping all the memory and experiences from a soul before it's recycled.


In essence, everyone eventually fades from existence completely. Either their personality and memories are erased, or the gradually fade into the void from the various Daedric Realms.

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I was involved in a discussion over on /r/TESLore about this, and we came up with a hypothesis...


The 'Soul' is the animating power of life. All things that 'live' have it. It is a collection of Aetherial energies which accumulates the longer something exists. When an individual dies, that energy is caught in the Dreamsleave, divided and recycled as new living things (or part of it sustains the dead-Aedra).


Now, when you are dealing with the Undead, they still have to have something animating them. In most cases, it's simple magic. With the Vampires, on the other hand, it's the souls of others. Part of the vampire curse involves the consuming of others, the draining of their life-force. Vampires in TES, thus, don't just feed on blood, but literally syphon off the souls of their victims. This would explain why Cattle typically become lethargic and almost stupid. Their souls, the collective aetherial energies which sustain them, are constantly being drained away.


The Daedra on the other hand have the power to pull souls straight from Mundus, preventing them from even coming into contact with the Dreamsleave. We know they can't draw power from this (otherwise Molag wouldn't have needed the Soul-Shatter) so they probably do it just to spite the Aedra. These souls, it would seem generally fade away given enough time, probably dissolving back into the Aubris.


Then there's the Soul Cairn... We first saw it in Battlespire, and we had a limited conversation with the Ideal Masters. It turns out that they consume souls to sustain themselves, implying some kind of Vampiric origin. Mr. Flippers (or maybe Prince of Plots) proposed the idea that the idea of souls originated with the creation of Mundus, and not before, which would mean the Ideal Masters had something to do with Mundus. I like to think they ARE the Aedra, or otherwise some of the Earthbones, who now need to feed off the souls of Mundus to stay alive.

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Hm... makes more sense than most explanations. Still, many undead creatures seem to retain some of their previous memory (Shouting draugr), and a vampire's personality seems to stay vastly unchanged, as long as they keep themselves from going feral. Means memory is not entirely bound to Soul.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Of course, vampires have souls. Otherwise, the Dragonborn would lose his powers upon turning as his Dragon Soul absorption ability depends on his own dragon soul.


Does it though? I read a hypothesis recently on /r/TESLore that the Dragonborns gift wasn't because he had a dragons soul, but because he lacked a soul at all. Where the Dovah are the soul-fragments of Akatosh, the Dovah-Kiin is a soul-less fragment which consumes the others.


Food for thought, at least...

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Lachdonin - that would mess with the Soul Cairn entrance scene though - when you try and enter the portal as a mortal being.


Since the only way to do it is either by being partially soul trapped, or by becoming a Vampire. If the Dovahkiin had no soul - then no soul trap option.


Unless you give up a stored Dragon soul instead, assuming you have one.

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