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Companion Share and Recruit essential.


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Simple, really Open CS and and load Oblivion.esm and your compagnion mod .esp (set the .esp as active Find in CS (in the list) under NPC`s ID the compagnion you want to be essential, and double clic on him (them) in the window that just pup up find the essential check box, and check it.... now clic ok at the bottom, and go on FILE and SAVE, go in game and play ! Enjoy !
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Simple, really Open CS and and load Oblivion.esm and your compagnion mod .esp (set the .esp as active Find in CS (in the list) under NPC`s ID the compagnion you want to be essential, and double clic on him (them) in the window that just pup up find the essential check box, and check it.... now clic ok at the bottom, and go on FILE and SAVE, go in game and play ! Enjoy !


While going into the CS and making a new essential character plugin is relatively easy, it's not particularly helpful with Companion Share Recruit, which I, personally, tend to use on the fly with all kinds of characters I meet in Tamriel.


Better is a useful little mod called Set Essential Actors (Needs OBSE) (-- or Set Essential Actors Plus (Needs OBSE)).


Companion Share Recruit and Set Essential Actors = Better together.

Edited by myrmaad
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