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You could remove QTP3 and all its meshes and textures and such. If you have no mods changing the Timber Wolf and the Blades Helmet, the game will revert to vanilla Oblivion in those aspects, and you will have the textures again. Alternately, you might investigate your installation procedure. Maybe you didn't get everything installed correctly for the new mod. Forgive my ignorance of the mod in question, but is it a good mod? Does it work for everyone else? There are an awful lot of bad mods out there, and if your mod is truly broken, there is nothing to be done but remove it, get the author to fix it, or mod your copy of the mod. In a perfect world, this would be the last thing to look at in your troubleshooting, but this possibility cannot be discounted for many mods.


If you are skilled with textures, I guess you could go in and fix all the missing textures as you find them by working in Nifskope and using unpacked textures you obtained with BSA commander.

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