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Super powerful Holy Order


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Hi all,


How about the creation of some super powerful Holy Order faction, who stay out in some forgotten bunker on the western side of the FALLOUT 3 map, like let's say west of Girdershade.

You could call them the Order of the Flame or something and their weapons could be unique with really wicked stats.

They could have a higher killing ability of let's say you remember when you were on level 10 and you bumped into a Ghoul Reaver or one those Super Mutants from Broken Steel, well like that.


They must always travel in groups of 5 or 6 just to give you some kind of a challenge.

There should be at least 5 groups of them out in the Wasteland scouring it for some holy or lost relic, and when you encounter them your KARMA points should influence the contact ...... good karma

points result in a cold yet acceptable dialogue, or if your character is bad then the encounter will result in the brown stuff hitting the fan along with blood and guts.

They should be able to detect your Karma level from a distance, so if they start shooting before you talk to them then you should start running !!!!!

Unless you want to stay and fight and more than likely get toasted.

We need a vastly superior threat out in the Wasteland, with more killing power than anything we've ever seen ..... and the Mod should only come into "play" when you reach a certain level or

you must be able to "toggle' it on or off........... it's your funeral.


They would have their own "holy armor" (with logo), some kind of hybrid between the TLB 51 and the new Enclave armor from Broken Steel (no helmets please).

They must look tall and have shaved and tattoed heads and have slightly Elven looking features......


Through Speech, it should be possible to be able to find the location of their bunker and do some trade (where the vendors have tons of money),

their bunker MUST BE heavily fortified and loaded with trigger happy zealots who always ask you if "you want to fight", because they're eager to blow you into the next world.


In order for you to GAIN A HOME IN THEIR BUNKER you must go through some kind of a "worthiness" ritual, where you must prove yourself in a series of battles,

and these battles must be Melee, Unarmed and smallgun or laser weapons based just to test your skills.

This is to take place in an arena against animals (so dont choose the ANIMAL FRIENDLY PERK) and against them......... win here and gain their armor, weapons and a

home along with the benefit of trade.


Lastly, should your karma level ever tip to the bad side after you've passed their worthiness test, then they would give you the option of "cleansing your self" through battle or running.


That was a lot, sorry !


Just a reminder their mission in life must be to purge the Wasteland of evil and find their lost or holy relic, whatever that may be.



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Or they could just be homicidal religious zealots like the Templar knights. Some neo-cult that views everything outside thier walls as impure and blasphemous. In which case, they probably never be pals with you and insist on gunning down everything that moves. And they need some leader who is gigantic and has a really cool melee weapon like a battleaxe or a scythe, either of which should contain tons of animal and human bones and ritual feathers, crap like that.
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oooh! and they need to have outrageously weird outfits and a funny language. All crazy religions and cults have their own weird outfits and language. :biggrin: Something like mock arabic. you know, "shurka-durka, hashish!" Or maybe they speak klingon...
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Ok, just an after thought here ...... "These suckers munch their enemies" ... as in "We will consume the wicked from the land lest their foul stain corrupt the earth" or some such crazy crap, LOL.

Perhaps the "relic" that they're looking for is the same thing the Super Muties are looking for and they could be arch enemies, (ek weet nie ? = I know not ?).

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