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Increase draw distance WITHOUT uGrids?

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when you edit , the user edits the ini files, this becomes the norm for all intents and puposes from that point on, meaning that any saved games will use that data as written.


the Ladder of Events in GameByro Engine is to escalate, Not decline, you can't edit backwards, you can only edit forwards.


the way the game is, the way the Operating system is is always adding more and more entries.


things break when you delete thing on your own, if you reverse by hand an automated entry, that entry becomes invalid to the OS and other software.


If you set the ugrids to 5,7,9,11,13,19,27 and run more than two hours and hard save that game, go back and edit it back to 4, and try to run the game, the game will not run on that saved game, if the game is modded heavy. if the game is unmounted, you stand a 50 -50 chance it will run, but it will stutter like all get out.


If you edit the Default_fallout.ini file in the games root folder, you destroy other mods settings before even installing them, you do not even give them a chance.


if a mod and author are any good at all, most newbies will not have the settings altered, and most mods should be built with default values, if the modder is exceptionally gifted, he or she will tel you VIA the description page of any needed changes you may be required to do in order to run "that particular mod"

NOTE: this does not mean other mods will run at these settings you have already installed, you may break them by doing so.


and things just get bigger as time goes on. you can always remove data and pray the saved game will load and remove / self annihilate bad /' missing code and still work. Most of the time it just will not load.


What happens if one does edit it, though. Does it just get overwritten, or what?

No esp will write to an ini file, if you find one ever, report it immediately to any one here.

if the ini file you edit is saved as a replacement , then yes, it is new, it is not overwritten as you have changed it, but if you copy else where for your edits and then copy it back into the folder from where it came from ,then it is overwritten.


to set the game to default values , delete the fallout3.ini in the users / My Documents folder /My game / fallout3...folder and run the games launcher to replace the data, it will put brand new ones with no edits in place, a fresh start.


Now. sense your into attempting to gain what I have "distance Details" Graphically appealing reality?, i can can instruct you how to By pass the games settings and video cards setups to gain what other things are being deliberately removed.


2007 was D day for this game, these machines today, were nothing but [pipe dreams then ,so these graphics cards abilities are not even iin the code of the game. keeping that in mind, you know how old the game really is, and realize the settings it makes are for very old PC equipments back then. Now, to day, we can Uncork the Genuine from the bottle and let her FLY !


this setting arrangement is a one time setting and there is no going back short of a reinstall of the game. But, your graphics will show one thing, but the system "thinks" it's quite another. To it, these really Bad Arse views are default when in fact they are the highest possible by default means for an old game. from here. you start to really test your machine , and software.


you let me know if you want to go that far.


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Just asking once more before I start up my new playthough, is there a variable I could edit in either ini to alleviate that ugly view in Primm I previously posted.


(I appreciate your advice you previously posted, but I think I'll stick to editing inis the old fashioned way.)

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the picture showed what appears to be "lagg" loading bug, a slow or non responsive loading of LOD data.


this is mostly caused by the display drivers settings, or desktop settings. Some times , it can also be caused by the monitor settings too.


here is the facts.

Default Vanilla 800x600 and Ugly, Large game run-time settings ,that data should not appear there like that. detail would be lacking.


If you Jack up the graphics too far and have not set other things to go along with it, then this will take place.


1024x 768 desktop, game is placed in full screen mode, in game menu before game run, you make sure it is set to large at the beginning of a new game, do not ever set it up as small and go backwards, this too will cause that.


when you die in the game and you have all things set maxed out, the game will reset ....when it does, it resets in-game displays to 800x600 default values.


If you want to Prevent this, then here is how to do that.

  1. VeryHigh.ini
  2. high.ini
  3. medium.ini
  4. low.ini

The files above here are the ones you set Just once ,and when these are set ,it is before the game is ever ran ,not afterwards.

If you have ran the game, then messing with these is a waste of time ,the operating system will obey the engines instructions and reset these back to default.


at install of the game ,your Given a choice to read the read me and run the game, this is the stop point, you miniseries the game installation process at this point.


you go to that games directory and find the above files. you set all of these files attributes to NOT be read only.

  • You open #1,,,,,,,,select all, copy the data and close #1
  • you open #2........select all, so it's all high lighted, and right click the blue data and select paste. Save file.
  • you open #3.......Repeat as above.
  • you open #4......Repeat as above.
  • Now you reset the files attributes to be read only so nothing can change these files ever.

Now close explorer and open back up the waiting instillation process and continue, what will take place at this moment in time is this.

the launcher, and steam will BOTH Permanently set the graphics cards and all ini settings to maximum for this day and ages video cards.


Even steams Update will not touch these files. If you delete them then they will of course get replaced and you are back in the stone age again.


  • (Fallout_default.ini) Never touch that file, because steam will replace it if you do, every time you run the game.

that file is what the games launcher uses and the registry needs and what steam looks at and compares to its' data base. Touch it and you can lose you game. It can happen.


C:\users\(user name)\My Documents\My games\fallout3\ fallout.ini file and falloutPrefs.ini are the game root files/base game files.

these files respond to the files I posted above and the game will reset these on it's own according to what the default launcher settings are when it runs.


Steam adjusts these too.


In game menu directly edits these two files LIVE. there is also an xml file too that gets messed with in the games interface menu xml file as well.



So basically if you do this, there is no need to edit any ini files again, instead, you get to see what the mods can bring you, all the visual mods will now respond way beyound normal settings ,Just plain Blow your mind.


Leave in game menu set to large.


Play with ENB's at your own risk with this set up, you have been warned.



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My mod FOV Slider adjusts values in the ini, it has to do so or the settings don't stick. The game is constantly checking those values (which is kind of bad coding) and setting them all the time. I have of course included options to reset those values to the stock ones should you wish to uninstall the mod.


While changing the settings is probably not a good idea with Fallout 3, it's not entirely the same with New Vegas. Some settings are always read from the default ini for some reason, and changing them in the other two normal ini's will have no effect because the default ini takes precedence. This is just bad coding on Obsidian's part.


Steam will only replace fallout_default.ini if you validate the game cache, it will leave it alone otherwise.


If you are going to edit your ini files, I suggest you copy the line you are going to edit, and then comment one of them with a semi-colon so that you can revert your changes easily if you run into a problem. I also suggest you back up the default files before you edit anything so you can revert to absolutely stock settings in case you run into a problem.

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