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Mods are causing major bugs in my game. What do I do?


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Ok. I have played through Skyrim Legendary edition multiple times and I have never encountered a single bug. And by bugs I mean ones that prevent you from completing a quest.


I am new to modding and thought I would try it. I have installed about 16 mods all them are mainly graphical mods and are the most popular ones e.g W.A.T.E.R.


I have done everything properly and followed the instructions and used nexus mod manager. I have used LOOT to put the mods in correct order.


But my game... I am getting quest breaking bugs on nearly every single quest, I can't absorb new shout from word walls.


Please, please help, what can I do to fix this?


I have not used any mods that alter NPC behaviour or change scripts, accept for enhanced blood textures, and I used SKYUI but then I disabled it.

Edited by chrisdgill90
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