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Disabling/Modifying menu bars in menus


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Since I have no idea about how to do it, I was hoping that some of you could have an idea about how to disable the health, stamina and magicka bars at the bottom in the different menus.


I'm already using Immersive HUD using 0% opacity to hide the bars ingame, but it's only working when I'm outside of the menu.


Do you think that it is possible to disable them while being in menu mode?


As to why, I'm using Skill Interface Retexture and I would like to be able to make the most of those beautiful textures unhindered by information I don't need since I also use Important Information Overhaul


Could somebody more learned than I am in how Skyrim menus work help me build this? That would be really appreciated.

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Okay, for those who want to alter the menus ingame. I succeeded in exporting the different menus thanks to various programs.


Several steps are required:


First, you need to extract your menu files by using "Fallout Mod Manager" or "BSAopt" for instance. (The file where the menu ressources are located is "interface.bsa" in your skyrim data folder).


Once you've done that, you are going to need a ".swf" decompiler.


With this decompiler (I use FFDec which is free), it seems that you can edit everything in your menu.


I'm still learning about how to edit what I want but at least I know where to look now.

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