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[Mod Request] Individual Pocket Saves


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Would it be possible for a mod to be made to how saves are done and accessed both in-game and at the Home main screen?

Specifically for description purposes, I'd like a mod that saves an individual characters progress which gives you a drop-down menu of a list of character saves, kind of like a "Save File #1" and another save file under that which you can select as "Save File #2" and so on, being a specific characters progress on the drop-down arrow menu when selected on an individual save file when going into "Load Saves" menu either in the in-game escape menu screen or on the main home screen when starting the game up before loading into a game.


Can this or has this been done? It's rather a lengthy process to find a character from a different saved game through a list of hundreds of other saved games from previous characters to recent characters.

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