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How to make a home with Well Rested Effect


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You need location Ids for your home, make a location Id (Mynewhome) just name make it unique save it, then open it again find your new ID and put in parent reference and save, then add in the key words:






Edit your cell, right click it on the Cellview or by just opening up World then Cells and under Common Data make it your ID (mynewhome) Also just incase Interior data should be noresetzone, if you want to make a place to store ingredients that respawn make a new cell that connects

Edited by dasneezequeen
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Thanks for that info... I would have guessed that the well-rested perk came from the ownership of the bed being slept in rather than that keyword. (There's a load screen that has wording about "sleeping in a bed you own".)

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