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Custom Textures Gone Wrong


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So, I am trying to make new textures for Chinese Stealth Armor, went first with helm.


After trying to make the texture available on GECK I got the following problem:




The image is supposed to be this:




And I am using the following settings:




What I am doing wrong?



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i never save the file as dds in photoshop it makes it over complicated, i always save it as a psd and then open it with dds converter v2.1 and convert it to a dds


also i noticed that your are replacing the original texture using geck. What i do is just create the same folder structure as the texture is found, for example if you find a texture in: data/fallout - texture/armor/chineasestealth suite.dss just create the same structure: data/texture/armor/chineasestealtharmor.dss and if you have archieveinvalidation invalidated it will automaticaly replace the texture without the need for geck, unless you where going to create a new armour and not just replace the texture.

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