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Fooked up Star Wars Armours


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Clone Troopers and by extension Stormtroopers, have the ability to go out into the Vacuum of Space with their suit's own life support, as well as protection against severe radiation, poisonous gases and so forth.


they also can switch between numerous spectrums with their visors, much like a Predator or Batman in Batman: Arkham Asylum.


while making Stormtrooper armour count as part of the quest item for the space suit in mothership zeta is completely out of my ability to do, I have given stormtrooper suits high boosts to radiation resistance.


I am having dificulties implementing the water breathing and night vision abilities however, and was curious as to how that is done using FOOK2 scripts.


I used the sand trooper helmet from Toxa's mod, under script I gave it FOOKNVGSscript but when I get in game, press N, nothing happends, I changed the helmet to cover the eyeglasses portion, but that didn't help.


not sure what to do, water breathing even isn't all that important, it's the Night vision that i want most.

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Are you editing the FOOK esp or making your own? If your making your own you will need to make the night vision effect as well. As well if your making your own you should go through the script and see what other references are in it. Sometimes they refer to adding a different item or effect or even another script or more. You need all these in order for the script to work.
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