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Spell System Mods?


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Even after installing OOO, knowing how to make black soul gems and enchanting some clothes seems too easy to exploit. In fact, the open ended system of enchantment and spellmaking, while fun at first, kind of removes the thrill of acquiring spells and items in the first place.


This has been discussed before I'm sure, and although I haven't done extensive searching, I've yet to find a mod that redresses these issues.


So unless there's one I'm missing I'd like to outline an overhaul to the spell/enchantment/theving/mana system I've been thinking about. Admittedly borrowed heavily from D&D. Let me know if there are any fatal flaws in the logic, or impossible things to mod.



1. Less spells avalible overall. (ie. ONE fireball spell, ONE lighting, etc) See # 8


2. Player must buy or find spell scrolls and scribe them upon rest.


3. Having a scroll scribed allows PC to select it as a permanent spell upon leveling up.


4. Number of spells selectable on level up based on INT.


5. After resting/waiting, player must select from a limited number of spells cast-able, based on willpower and time spent resting/waiting. Something like willpower / 3 + hours slept, giving a decent number of spells.


6. Because of all these factors, all spells ridiculously more powerful. This is necessary for spell selection to be a strategic maneuver,

Instead of just spamming weak spells because of high armor and mana regeneration.


7. Mana system no longer used. (?)

Possible alternatives are that Magika represents Armor degradation and armor does not degrade piece by piece anymore. Once "Mana" is lowered, it will not regenerate, player must get to safety and use repair hammers which fill Magicka. (I plan on also removing the low-level restriction on repairing magic items).


8. Remove spell and Item creation, possibly they can be used for something else.


9. Powerful items off limits from low-level thieves and pickpockets. Though better magic loot found through dungeon crawls.


10. Player starts with a bedroll.

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Install Midas Magic... The fun is back, and you can't just spellcraft/enchant most of those effects.


Anything like what you suggest, although possible to some limited degree with heavy scripting, just wouldn't work with the game as it is. There's a reason why D&D spell rules were changed between 2nd and 3rd editions, and even more so between 3rd and 3.5. It just didn't work in a setting where the player would be fighting more than 5 or 6 things a day.

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The easy availability of magic and its ability to be exploited is one of my last remaining beefs with oblivion that no one has addressed yet. As Vagrant pointed out, Midas Magic is an excellent start. But I too want an overhaul of the whole system. Here are my thoughts on what youve stated so far.


1. I like the idea of spells being less available to the player. I dont really like there being fewer spells overall. Variety is still nice. Just like having different swords. But it shouldnt be so easilly earned just by buying it or finding it randomly in a dungeon. (So long as finding such things would be common place). This helps to address the issue of there being no thrill in finding new spells.


2. I dont like the idea of being able to buy just about any spell. Maybe some very weak ones. But even those should be considered luxuries by common folk and even nobles in the world. Therefore, they shouldnt be cheap.


The rest of it Im not too fond of I guess. Mostly for the same reason that Vagrant said, and because I wouldnt like spells being made more common to fix that issue. Thats just me though.


I actually kinda like the current system. I just want it all to be more like Midas magic, with fewer spell vendors or vendors with fewer and weaker spells with better spells found in the depths of dungeons, guarded by various things that want to keep the knowledge to themselves.

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