bearhiderug Posted May 25, 2014 Share Posted May 25, 2014 (edited) I'm newer to modding, though I have messed around quite a lot with tes3, 4, and 5. As well as FO3 and NV. I'm trying to get about 120 mods to run together. Although a few are causing problems though I don't know the source. I'm also sure safe patches could solve several problems. Though I don't know which ones. I had Oblivion for the Xbox. I am wanting to do a run on the computer. I will post my current load order. As well as problems I am having. Those of you that read this and help. I really appreciate it. For you little peckerheads with something brief to say like "do you have boss" GO AWAY. My Load Order. Not all things on here are activated mind you. Some will stay some will go. GameMode=OblivionOblivion.esm=1Fundament.esm=1Jog_X_Mod.esm=1TR_OoT_Main.esm=1HorseCombatMaster.esm=1TamrielicIngredients.esm=1Artifacts.esm=1bookplacing.esm=1Francesco'sOptional New Items Add-On.esm=0Francesco's Leveled Creatures-ItemsMod.esm=0Francesco's Optional New Creatures Add-On.esm=0CoblMain.esm=1Mart's Monster Mod.esm=0Francesco's 7 days respawn time - 1-16day lenght rescale.esp=0Francesco's OptionalFiles.esp=0Knights.esp=1DLCBattlehornCastle.esp=1DLCFrostcrag.esp=1DLCHorseArmor.esp=1DLCMehrunesRazor.esp=1DLCOrrery.esp=1DLCSpellTomes.esp=1DLCThievesDen.esp=1DLCVileLair.esp=1DLCShiveringIsles.esp=1xuldarkforest.esp=0xulLushWoodlands.esp=0xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp=0xulCheydinhalFalls.esp=0xulFallenleafEverglade.esp=0xulAspenWood.esp=0xulBravilBarrowfields.esp=0xulCloudtopMountains.esp=0xulAncientYews.esp=0xulChorrolHinterland.esp=0xulImperialIsle.esp=0xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp=0xulSkingradOutskirts.esp=0Borderless_Cyrodiil-by Rendelius.esp=1Trails of Cyrodiil - Colovian HighlandVanilla.esp=0xulPatch_AY_AC.esp=0xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp=0xulArriusCreek.esp=0xulRollingHills_EV_withoutWheat.esp=0xulRollingHills_EV.esp=0xulEntiusGorge.esp=0xulTheHeath.esp=0xulStendarrValley.esp=0xulBlackwoodForest.esp=0xulAncientRedwoods.esp=0xulSnowdale.esp=0RagnaParry V2.esp=1skill_based_harvest 1.2.1.esp=0skill_based_harvestuninstall.esp=0BoneGrind.esp=1Poison Maker v1.08.esp=1EssenceExtracter.esp=1Bundlement.esp=1Oblivion Collectible Cards UL CheydinhalFalls Patch.esp=1Oblivion CollectibleCards.esp=1gardening.esp=1Morrowind Ingredients.esp=1Bag ofAlchemy.esp=1All Spells Avalible for Enchanting and SpellMaking.esp=1ConduitMagic.esp=1Teleport toEverywhere.esp=1MidasSpells.esp=1xulPantherRiver.esp=0Nascosto Isles3.esp=1Museum.esp=1Ship Wrack.esp=1Capsized Ship.esp=1CrowdedRoads 7.esp=0Crowded Roads 15.esp=0Crowded Roads23.esp=1pmCrimeHandler.esp=1Oblivion Citadel DoorFix.esp=0Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp=1UOPS AdditionalChanges.esp=1UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp=1KvatchRebuilt.esp=0Zork.esp=1UL Ancient Yews ZorkPatch.esp=0thievery.esp=1DremoraNirnrootFarmV1_0.esp=1BirthsignsExpanded.esp=1Birthsign Zero.esp=03xMercantile.esp=1AFK_WeyeArrius_Creek Patch.esp=0Rumare-AFK_Weye Patch.esp=0RTT-Weye RelocationPatch.esp=0Rolling_Hills_Manor.esp=0TR_Stirk.esp=1Northrend.esp=1AncientTowers.esp=0Vergayun.esp=1Wyverex's-Runes.esp=1KohdiArmoryofAnsephaer.esp=1SoulgemSalvation.esp=1DRSplatter.esp=1DeadlyReflex6 - Combat Moves.esp=1Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block and 250%damage.esp=1Mounted_Spellcasting_Deadly_Reflex_Compatible.esp=1DeadlyReflex 6 - Timed block and 150% damage.esp=0Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Blockwith no damage or durabilitychanges.esp=0BravilSeaDomes.esp=1Nightshade_Armor.esp=1Fran ArmorAdd-on.esp=0TheOrdinatorsArmor.esp=1Blades CeremonialArmour.esp=1Shadowcrest_Vineyard.esp=1Bonemold ArmorFull.esp=0Bonemold_helmet.esp=1Syc_AtHomeAlchemy.esp=1Tamrielic_Ingredients_Fran.esp=0Tamrielic_Ingredients_MMM.esp=0Tamrielic_Ingredients_FraM.esp=0Tamrielic_Ingredients_OOO.esp=0Tamrielic_Ingredients_cOMbo.esp=0Tamrielic_Ingredients.esp=1AlluringPotion Bottlesv3.esp=1BloodPotions.esp=1VaultsofCyrodiil.esp=1Landmarks, wWells.esp=1Auto Update Leveled Items AndSpells.esp=1autoFloraHarvest.esp=1DEJ_harvest_Clams.esp=1autoFloraDEJ_Harvest.esp=1DudeWheres MyHorse.esp=1LE_GrowPlants.esp=1Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael.esp=0Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp=0Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp=0Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp=0Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp=0QuestAward Leveller.esp=1Quest Award Leveller - Vile Lair.esp=1Quest AwardLeveller - Knights of the Nine.esp=1Quest Award Leveller - MehrunesRazor.esp=1Reznod_Mannequin.esp=1Vvardenfell_Imports.esp=0OC+ImportsPatch.esp=0Book Jackets Oblivion - BP.esp=1Book JacketsOblivion.esp=1wd purse of wonders.esp=1Improved Athletics LevelingX25.esp=0Improved Athletics Leveling X10.esp=0Improved AthleticsLeveling X5.esp=0Improved Athletics Leveling X3.esp=1Improved AthleticsLeveling X2.esp=0P1DkeyChain.esp=1KohdiBladesofAnkewan.esp=1WeaponExpansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts.esp=1Adonnays ElfischeWaffen.esp=0Adonnays ElvenWeaponry.esp=1Fran_Lv30Item_Maltz.esp=0KitRae Exotic DualRemake.esp=1Francesco's Optional Leveled Quests.esp=0UnholyCathedral.esp=0_Real_Lights.esp=1Trade andCommerce.esp=1Artifacts.esp=1Spell Delete And Item Remove.esp=1BookPlacement v2.esp=1Bashed Patch, 0.esp=0Francesco's Optional Chance ofStronger Bosses.esp=0AutoBookPlacer.esp=1Francesco's Optional DungeonChest Loot.esp=0Francesco's Optional House Chest Loot.esp=0Francesco'sOptional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp=0Francesco's Optional Dungeon ChestLocks.esp=0Francesco's Optional Vendor Tweaks.esp=0Francesco's OptionalLeveled Guards.esp=0Fran's Ore Refiner.esp=0Fran's Ore Refiner - SIonly.esp=0Francesco's Optional Leveled Arena.esp=0Francesco's OptionalNew Adventurers.esp=0UnderdarkMap.esp=1Oblivion GateMarkers.esp=1EvenOddities.esp=1GalerionLeveling-Revised.esp=1DZ_Auto_Harvest.esp=1ToggleableQuantity Prompt.esp=1Enhanced Economy.esp=0AlchemicalFormulas.esp=1PotionsValue60Percent.esp=0PotionsValue80Percent.esp=0PotionsValueNone.esp=0PotionsValue150Percent.esp=1PotionsValue20Percent.esp=0PotionsValue40Percent.esp=0CutthroatMerchants.esp=0Living Economy - Items.esp=1LivingEconomy.esp=1Better Cities .esp=0 Persisting problems I'm having. =Cheydinal Crash. One or bothof these is cause [Vvardenfell_Imports.esp=0] IDEAS?? [OC+Imports Patch.esp=0] =North of chorrol crash. This is part ofproblem [xulCloudtopMountains.esp=0] =SouthWest Chorrrolcrash. [xulLushWoodlands.esp=1]=Enhanced Economics <----- No ideathe issue, besides wont install correctlyenhanced economics could not finddata/ini=BetterCities <----- No idea the issue, besides wont installcorrectly=RealisticLeveling <----- No idea the issue, besides wont install correctly=Weapons sheathtwice=Bow is misaligned =Screen is bobbing like im on a merry go round=Several animals areinvisible/no texture. Namly Imps and rats so far=when bodies die they are acomplete black dark color=missing mesh "gore rat" [may be related to martsmonsters]=missing mesh in aeylid Ruin"vilverin"=MartsMonsterMod <----- No idea theissue, besides wont install correctly=Missing mesh Aeylid Ruin Vilverenoutside of imperial sewers. =skeleton missing mesh, believe something to do with "rusty weapons" ie ironand steel=Ingrediants from other mods are in the shops but they wont sell them. How does thi get fixed? Some sort of merge or what? Questions I have Is there a tool or way to know which mods affect a certain area or cell? How do ii put the load oder in a spoiler? Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items im having touble getting this mod. These two mods require things I don't have or know what there from AFK_Weye Arrius_Creek Patch.esp=0 region revive lake rumare.esp afk weye.esp Rumare-AFK_Weye Patch.esp=0 rtt.esp Again thanks for any help any of you have. I will continue to post changes toload orders as well as changes to problems. Alternate Communication Steam ID bearhiderugXbox Live IDs bearhiderug / umpkinbutt Edited May 25, 2014 by bearhiderug Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mhahn123 Posted May 25, 2014 Share Posted May 25, 2014 (edited) Ok so you've got a LOT going on here. And some of the problems I can only guess at since I haven't used many of these mods. So I will touch on the things I know for sure. 1. Do not use Enhanced Economy and Living Economy together. They are very similar, alter many of the same things, but in entirely different ways. Choose one or the other. My preference is Enhanced Economy because it just does so much more. 2. If you use Francescos and Mart's Monster Mod together you need to use the MMM for Frans.esp version which is designed to work with Francescos and eliminates conflicts between the two. Some of which I believe are listed in your problems section. 3. You have patch files in your load order for AFK_Weye and two other mods...but do not appear to have AFK_Weye itself installed. you either need to download and install AFK_Weye or remove the patches that require it as a master file. 4. Strongly suggest removing the Borderless Cyrodiil mod. Far preferable to remove the border by disabling it in the Oblivion ini file. This will save you a slot in your load order and eliminate possible conflicts or trouble shooting later on when something else causes your border removal mod to not work. In the ini file look for the line "bBorderRegionsEnabled=1" change the 1 to 0 and save. more borders. Would love to help more but as stated am unfamiliar with quite a few things you have listed there. Good luck and if all else fails start off with a more simple load order. Add one or two mods at a time so you can easily identify what is causing glitches. regards, M Hahn Edited May 25, 2014 by mhahn123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bearhiderug Posted May 25, 2014 Author Share Posted May 25, 2014 Ok so you've got a LOT going on here. And some of the problems I can only guess at since I haven't used many of these mods. So I will touch on the things I know for sure. 1. Do not use Enhanced Economy and Living Economy together. They are very similar, alter many of the same things, but in entirely different ways. Choose one or the other. My preference is Enhanced Economy because it just does so much more. 2. If you use Francescos and Mart's Monster Mod together you need to use the MMM for Frans.esp version which is designed to work with Francescos and eliminates conflicts between the two. Some of which I believe are listed in your problems section. 3. You have patch files in your load order for AFK_Weye and two other mods...but do not appear to have AFK_Weye itself installed. you either need to download and install AFK_Weye or remove the patches that require it as a master file. 4. Strongly suggest removing the Borderless Cyrodiil mod. Far preferable to remove the border by disabling it in the Oblivion ini file. This will save you a slot in your load order and eliminate possible conflicts or trouble shooting later on when something else causes your border removal mod to not work. In the ini file look for the line "bBorderRegionsEnabled=1" change the 1 to 0 and save. more borders. Would love to help more but as stated am unfamiliar with quite a few things you have listed there. Good luck and if all else fails start off with a more simple load order. Add one or two mods at a time so you can easily identify what is causing glitches. regards, M Hahn1Im aware the two econmys mods don't work together. I had to much trouble with enhanced econmy. wouldn't read the ini file. I disabled it and enabled living till I get the other working.2As far as ffrancisco. I CANT GET THIS MOD "Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items mod" It eather wond dl or wont install. Its the root of everything else. I have most of, well ALL of franc's mods disabled atm.3I knew I was missing files but I don't know where from. Ill look more into the mssing one. Again there disabled atm too.4Ill do that. It may seem like a lot. A lot of it is to sprucen TES4 up. There are a lot more that Ill end up not using too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bearhiderug Posted May 25, 2014 Author Share Posted May 25, 2014 Would love to help more but as stated am unfamiliar with quite a few things you have listed there. Good luck and if all else fails start off with a more simple load order. Add one or two mods at a time so you can easily identify what is causing glitches. Would love to help more but as stated am unfamiliar with quite a few things you have listed there. Good luck and if all else fails start off with a more simple load order. Add one or two mods at a time so you can easily identify what is causing glitches. There are manys mods I do not know how to check. Im unsure what and where they alter things. Not all. But about a third of them. Last few hours have been toying with cheydinal. Somen screws it up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bearhiderug Posted May 25, 2014 Author Share Posted May 25, 2014 (edited) HOW DO I PUT A HUGE ASS LSIT INTO A SPOILER?? Thank you Ben Edited May 25, 2014 by bearhiderug Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bben46 Posted May 25, 2014 Share Posted May 25, 2014 1. Look up at the top line in the box. The third icon is a blue box- click that2. Click on the arrow next to the 'special BB code'3. in the dropdown menu select 'spoiler'4. Copy paste what you want in the box. :thumbsup: This is what you get. Hidden text Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mhahn123 Posted May 25, 2014 Share Posted May 25, 2014 (edited) "As far as ffrancisco. I CANT GET THIS MOD "Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items mod" It eather wond dl or wont install. Its the root of everything else. I have most of, well ALL of franc's mods disabled atm." Just to clarify on this. Which is it? You can't get it to download or can't get it installed? It is a big file so if you have a poor internet connection broken/interrupted downloads are not uncommon in these situations. If it is trouble with installing which version are you using? I am aware there is a newer file available here on Nexus...V 5b1 I believe it is which comes as a Bain installer set up to install through Wrye Bash. Can't offer any advice on that since I never ever learned to install mods that way. I still use an older version of Francescos, v4.5b which can be found on Planet Elder Scrolls and comes as two executable Installers. One for the main mod and one for the optional creatures and items add ons. Works perfectly, installs very simply. Not sure what the differences are between this and the newer version and never cared to still works fine and causes me no headaches. if you want to try that out it can be found here Just tested for curiosity sake and it DLd for me in under 4 minutes for both files. Edited May 25, 2014 by mhahn123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bearhiderug Posted May 26, 2014 Author Share Posted May 26, 2014 (edited) How do I know which mods require Nexus Mod Manager?Which require Oblivion mod manager?And which require a manual install type application?They all have links to DL for nexus manager though it wont run them all? I'm do a clean install though. Completely reinstall oblivion and start adding mods that change textures and large areas of landscaped. Followed by large game altering mods.Any thoughts on which to install first? Which to install later? Edited May 26, 2014 by bearhiderug Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bben46 Posted May 26, 2014 Share Posted May 26, 2014 How do I know which mods require Nexus Mod Manager?NONE - no mod requires NMM every mod on the Nexus can be installed manually Which require Oblivion mod manager?Again, NONE. However, many old mods do have a special install method for use with OBMM but they can still be installed manually. And which require a manual install type application?If they won't work with NMM or OBMM - then they will need to be installed manually - usually the author tells you in the description They all have links to DL for nexus manager though it wont run them all?Not all have the NMM link - and not all of those that do will work with NMM. - Oblivion is an old game - and came out many years before the NMM was available. And some mods were out even before OBMM came out. I still use OBMM for Oblivion just because that is what I have always used - it still works very well for what it was designed for - Oblivion. NMM is intended to work with many games. OBMM will have some features that are just for Oblivion that NMM will not have. My suggestion is to learn the quirks of OBMM and use it for Oblivion. Then use NMM for newer games that don't have a special mod manager designed just for that specific game. Just remember that OBMM is NOT NMM and they work differently, they have different features and different quirks. OBMM does require a few more steps to install a mod. Both work fine with BOSS, LOOT, TES4Edit, and Wrye Bash as well as the other third party utility programs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mhahn123 Posted May 26, 2014 Share Posted May 26, 2014 (edited) Read the mod description and/or read-me files, one or both should tell you how the mod is packaged and help answer that question. Sorry can't help with Nexus Mod Manager questions....never used it for downloading or installing. I understand it doesn't work well or at all with many highly popular mods...because most of them are packaged to be installed via OBMM or Bain (Wrye Bash). Any mod out there can be installed manually although some will require a bit of modding knowledge before attempting that approach. Similarly any mod can be repackaged to be installed with OBMM or Bain (Wrye Bash). Both require a bit of reading to understand the methods for packaging. I don't personally use texture mods atm, but there are a number out there. QTP 3 is one very popular texture pack. If you are looking for large landscape mods look no further than Unique Landscapes series. There are 30+ which can change literally every corner of your game. Be forewarned though...with such extensive landscape altering comes the increased possibility for mod conflicts. Fortunately the modding community has already created patch files for almost every popular mod which conflicts with Unique Landscapes. Edit: Looks like bben beat me to the punch. Edited May 26, 2014 by mhahn123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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