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Odd Crash on Acquiring Pipboy

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I've tried so many things to prevent this, but every single time I make an attempt to play the game, I acquire the pipboy, and immediately crashes. Not sure which mod is doing this, and I've tried using the Alternative Roleplaying Start mod to try and circumvent this, but alas, to no avail.




More Perks.esm=1
Primary Needs HUD.esm=1
Project Nevada - Core.esm=1
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1
Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1
ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm=1
ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm=1
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp=1
Alternative Start.esp=1
PMT - Responsive Kill Reactions.esp=1
XFO - 1aa - Accuracy Revamp - mild.esp=1
XFO - 1ab - Accuracy Revamp - hard.esp=1
XFO - 1ba - Dmg - Non-Var - 1x.esp=1
XFO - 1bb - Dmg - Non-Var - 2x.esp=1
XFO - 1bc - Dmg - Non-Var - 3x.esp=1
XFO - 1bd - Dmg - Non-Var - 5x.esp=1
XFO - 1be - Dmg - Skill-Var - 2x.esp=1
XFO - 1bf - Dmg - Skill-Var - 3x.esp=1
XFO - 1bg - Dmg - Skill-Var - 5x.esp=1
XFO - 2aa - Armor - DR+DT - revamp - low.esp=1
XFO - 2ab - Armor - DR+DT - revamp - med.esp=1
XFO - 2ac - Armor - DR+DT - revamp - high.esp=1
XFO - 2ba - Armor - DR+DT - simple - low.esp=1
XFO - 2bb - Armor - DR+DT - simple - med.esp=1
XFO - 2bc - Armor - DR+DT - simple - high.esp=1
XFO - 2da - Bleedthrough - 10% (from 20).esp=1
XFO - 2db - Bleedthrough - 5%.esp=1
XFO - 2dc - Bleedthrough - 0% (Full DT).esp=1
XFO - 3aa - rarity - ammo - mild.esp=1
XFO - 3ab - rarity - ammo - med.esp=1
XFO - 3ac - rarity - ammo - hard.esp=1
XFO - 3ad - rarity - ammo - vanilla.esp=1
XFO - 3ae - rarity - ammo - easier.esp=1
XFO - 3ba - rarity - caps - mild.esp=1
XFO - 3bb - rarity - caps - med.esp=1
XFO - 3bc - rarity - caps - hard.esp=1
XFO - 3bd - rarity - caps - vanilla.esp=1
XFO - 3be - rarity - caps - easier.esp=1
XFO - 3ca - rarity - meds - mild.esp=1
XFO - 3cb - rarity - meds - med.esp=1
XFO - 3cc - rarity - meds - hard.esp=1
XFO - 3cd - rarity - meds - vanilla.esp=1
XFO - 3ce - rarity - meds - easier.esp=1
XFO - 4a - Perks - Paths.esp=1
XFO - 4ba - Perks - Perk Every Level.esp=1
XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two Perks Per Level.esp=1
XFO - 5a - SPECIAL & Stats Rebalance.esp=1
XFO - 5b - Skills - SP Formula Rebalance.esp=1
XFO - 5c - Skills - Better Med Surv Repair.esp=1
XFO - 5da - Skills - Sneak - mild.esp=1
XFO - 5db - Skills - Sneak - hard.esp=1
XFO - 5ea - Skills - Barter - Mild.esp=1
XFO - 5eb - Skills - Barter - Hard.esp=1
XFO - 6aa - Epic Skills - Effects Over 100 (NVSE req).esp=1
XFO - 6ba - Pacing - Mild (No Cap).esp=1
XFO - 6bb - Pacing - Med (No Cap).esp=1
XFO - 6bc - Pacing - High (No Cap).esp=1
XFO - 6bd - Pacing - Faster (No Cap).esp=1
XFO - 6be - Pacing - Vanilla (JUST No Cap).esp=1
XFO - 7a - UnMSG - Empty.esp=1
XFO - 7b - UnMSG - Karma (Incl Sounds).esp=1
XFO - 7c - UnMSG - Sneak Status.esp=1
XFO - 8a - Cripple & Body Part Revamp.esp=1
XFO - 8b - Speed Increases.esp=1
XFO - 8c - Karma Rebalance.esp=1
XFO - 9a - Enemies - AI revamp.esp=1
XFO - 9ba - Enemies - NPC Health + low.esp=1
XFO - 9bb - Enemies - NPC Health + high.esp=1
XFO - 9ca - Enemies - NPC Aim + low.esp=1
XFO - 9cb - Enemies - NPC Aim + high.esp=1
XFO - 9da - Enemies - NPC Healing - low.esp=1
XFO - 9db - Enemies - NPC Healing - med.esp=1
XFO - 9dc - Enemies - NPC Healing - high.esp=1
XFO - 10aa - Hardcore - Hunger&Thirst - Mild (2x).esp=1
XFO - 10ab - Hardcore - Hunger&Thirst - Med (3x).esp=1
XFO - 10ac - Hardcore - Hunger&Thirst - High (5x) .esp=1
XFO - 10ad - Hardcore - Hunger&Thirst - Easier (Half).esp=1
XFO - 10b - Hardcore - Food&Drink (no healing).esp=1
XFO - 10c - Hardcore - Severe Penalties.esp=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1
Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp=1
Project Nevada - All DLC.esp=0
More Perks Update.esp=1
Alternative Repairing.esp=1
Alternative Repairing - Breakdown Item Icons.esp=1
Alternative Repairing - Additional Campfires.esp=1
Armored Duster.esp=1
Dark Justice Duster.esp=1
My essential friends (animals).esp=1
Burning CampFire.esp=1
Easy Unlocking and Easy Hacking.esp=1
JIP Companions Command & Control.esp=1
LFox Bottle That Water.esp=1
More Realistic Aiming.esp=1
Quick Trade.esp=1
Quicker PipBoy Light-0_4Sec.esp=1
Realistic Weight Overhaul.esp=1
ELECTRO-CITY - Darker Nights.esp=1
Improved Ballistics Effects V2.esp=1
RWD-NV v1.4 [No Limbs Explosions].esp=1
RSO - Realistic Stealth Overhaul - NV.esp=1
PN - Rebalance Sneak Override removal.esp=1
Alternative Repairing - Bottle That Water.esp=1
Alternative Repairing - NVInteriors.esp=1
Alternative Repairing - NVInteriors Combo Edition.esp=1


Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

(P.S. Sorry if the formatting is awful, I'm not used to using forums)

**Edit** I feel it necessary to state that I've tried multiple pipboy mods (the one listed above, and the Readius) and even went purely vanilla with the pipboy. No change whatsoever, so I just use the 2500

Edited by ILGrimmreaper
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