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The Pitt npc's head and body dont match up


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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't be such a baby. Come on we're all on the same team. It's not like it's hard in any way to get into trouble in here. People get banned all the time. I'm just saying watch out. I know you're totally frustrated. You think I don't get that way.


Data/textures/charicters seems to be the spot where all the skin an stuff goes. I would start by taking a peek in there, if you even have something at all it means your mods change that kind of thing. So somewhere a reference got nulled from another one being created or something like that.


I've had my charicter's hands be black when I was white. I found the right texture I needed for hands, unpacked it to that charicter folder, which fixed it. However I've heard rumors of an issue like this floating around. You could try a little ditty called search. While it's hard to find, top right of the screen here on nexus, when you used the advanced search, to narrow the field, via by user name, or search in titles only, an stuff like that.


If I see anything about it I'll let you know.

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I agree with mechine, relax there's always people willing to help. When you uncheck mods, they do not revert and use back default textures. Firstly, have you ever installed any body mods or even Project Beauty mod? If you really want to run without any add-ons or mods, make a backup, delete texture and meshes folder, finally reinstall DLC.
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what body mods are you using if any, because alot of them need tweaks with option files... because the pitt adds alot of new raiders armors into the game , this maybe why your npc body parts dont match up....


this is a type 3 edit




also this for the pitt




there are more out there if you look with the search button for all body types :)

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