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Drug tolerances and Dealer's mod


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I liked the drug related perks so much that I want to see them expand into their own large scale mod. It would be cool to see a mod that adds a separate tolerance factor (a script variable). This could make the perk's effectiveness more/less with the added tolerance. In order to talk to certain people about larger quantity transactions, you would have to have a higher tolerance. Another tolerance based effect would make you more dependent on the specific substance you were ingesting. You might have to have a tolerance to jet in order to get a job from some shady person. Then have a tolerance to whiskey and stimpaks in order to talk to the person to complete the job.


This might mean a complete overhaul of the Chem resistant, Chemist and possibly the Lead belly, and Fast metabolism perks. It might be easier to just make a new perk that works in harmony with those.


Basically, it would be a quest driven plot that could take inspiration from the great mob stories out there. I just think that they need a better, more dynamic underworld. It could possibly go all Mad Max and use the raiders of the wastes as the faction.


You could deal in all sorts of stuff, from guns & ammo to controlling the production of jet, etc. It could get all kinds of crazy.

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