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Good Hair Day brokeness


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Tried to use this mod twice, the first time the portrait that shows you what you look like with the hair style was blank, the second time it showed but there was some display brokeness still. The mod creator is at a loss as to why and suggested I toss this out to you guys so... Help? How do I fix this? My version of FO3 is the Game of the Year edition I bought off of Steam.




L Lloyd

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Did it though the FOMM, clicked the "Toggle Invalidation" and other mods are working fine , the added clothing looks right (except the nude body replacer issue, that'll be fixed when someone converts Ling's Finer Things to work with Exnem's Body Replacer. :P ) , as does the armors, weapons, etc... This is the first breakage so far. Thanks though. :D


L. Lloyd



have you downloaded archiveinvalidation invalidated if not you should download and activate it, it should help
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