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How To Force-Kill Conversations?


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Heya everyone!


I have a helluva lot of mods installed - of those types that interest me most are new world-spaces and quests... As such, I've run across a number of NPCs for whom there is no way out of the conversation window (i.e. the normal way - by actual way of conversation). This even seems to have trickled down to certain vanilla NPCs - perhaps those that have had their conversation-trees added to or edited?


Anyways. This is obviously a problem for me - because without another means to exit the conversation interface, it means I can't actually speak to these characters and continue with the game - so quests, quest-data, miscellaneous info, and atmosphere is all lost!


IS THERE ANY WAY to forcefully exit conversations?

I've checked through the console commands and haven't found anything that seems pertinent... But I haven't exactly gone and tested each and every one of them...


I would be MASSIVELY in the debt of anyone that can provide me with an answer / solution!!!


Ta, and eagerly awaiting replies,


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Try 'closeallmenus'. That's not a solution though. One of your mods is messing with the 'goodbye' dialogue. Try using FNVEdit to find out which. Then either remove the mod or the change it makes.

Edited by kkk122
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First load all your active mods. Might take a while. Next, go to: FalloutNV.esm -> Dialog Topic -> GOODBYE. Open GOODBYE and select a line that should be in the game but is not (might help if you find the buggy NPCs in GECK and check what they're supposed to say). Click on the bugged line. The 'View' tab should display all the mods that edit that line.

Edited by kkk122
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