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Retexture/Reskin/Modified Claymore - Soul stealer sword


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I'm looking to create the ultimate 'soul stealing' type sword (ala Stormbringer, Blackrazor, Dragnipur, etc) for my Oblivion character. I'm talking about evil on 11, none more black. :thumbsup: No doubt there are others out there who are after the same thing.


I'm here to humbly request if someone could make me a reskin/retexture of the Dread Knight claymore, as available in the Dread Knight Armor and Weapons pack:




Ideally, I'd like a version of the sword with a black blade/pommel/hilt/scabbard etc., with the runes on the blade/glow from the skull etc. being in red, much like the 'Dark Slayer' version of the Slayers Sword found here:




Also, I think it would be awesome if the particle effect (or whatever you call it) around the blade was changed to an inky black, like that in the Dark Flame Ring mod:




Alternatively, if someone wants to make something awesome from scratch, I wouldn't complain. ;)


Thanks in advance to anyone who responds, you rock. Kudos and my eternal gratitude will go to anyone who fulfills the request.

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