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Cut Scenes and vats animations


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Ok I am preety much a 1/4 way done in the mod called "Inprisoned" Which I will not treveal its story line untill 3/4 completed. Lets say that I do not brag and find it pretty much a self esteem issue( sorry for the Psych eval,lol). I will be posting an outline in 3 weeks so. I need info on cut scene programs. I have adobe afeter effects and have seen much on the Vats tutorials. Although I have heard that you build your cut scenes using Vats and the like if anyone has info on this please point into the direction. The Cube had an awsome cutscenes ( Cut scenes are animations that either ends a point or starts another in case those who did know what was one when I heard of it iI thought of a basic part of a scene cut,lol). Not it. but need some good info on this.
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Here is a link

I made.


Here is a pic of the cell

The Red Box is the trigger location that holds the script that starts the cut-scene. The Blue box is the location where the player ends up and ends the cut-scene.


And here is the script that runs it. Cut-scenes are made by using a staged timer.


SCN UCACEFireTrapTriggerScript

Float fTimer	;staged timer time variable
Float mTimer	;timer for moving followers
Short pFireRes	;Stores player's fire resistance
Short fStage	;staged timer stage variable
Short DoOnce	;ensures trap only fires once
Short CheckFollowers	;when set to 1, will move followers

Begin OnTriggerEnter Player
If DoOnce == 0
	Set pFireRes to player.GetBaseAV FireResist		;Store players fire resistance
	player.SetAv FireResist 25			;temporarily give Player 30% fire resistance
	UCACEFireTrap.enable			;start the fire trap
	player.moveto UCACEFireTrapPlayerXM		;ensure player is facing the right direction
	DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1		;turn off player controls

;		player.setalert 1

	PipboyRadioOff 				;turn off radio if its on
	Set fTimer to 3				;Stage 0 lasts for 3 seconds
	Set DoOnce to 1				;trap can only be set off once

Begin GameMode
If fTimer < 0 && DoOnce == 1 
	If fStage == 0				;start stage 0 - player falls down
		Set UCMain.PlayerFalldown to 1		;used for AI package conditions
		player.addscriptpackage UCACEPlayerFallsDownPackage	;make the player fall down
		Set CheckFollowers to 1		;Turns on the follower move section
		Set fTimer to 3			;Next stage lasts for 3 seconds
		Set fStage to 1			;Setup next stage
		Return				;used for efficiency
	ElseIf fStage == 1				;starts stage 1 - starts sentrybot stuff
		UCACEFireTrap.disable		;turn off fire trap
		UCACESentryBot01Ref.enable		;enable sentrybot
		UCACESentryBot01Ref.evp		;set sentrybot AI to move to player
		player.SetAv FireResist pFireRes		;Restore player fire resist after fire trap
		Set fTimer to 25			;Next stage lasts 25 seconds as SB has some dialogue
		Set fStage to 2			;setup stage 2
		Return				;used for efficiency
	ElseIf fStage == 2				;start stage 2 - player passes out and screen fades to white
		imod FadetoWhiteISFX		;fade screen to white
		Set fTimer to 3			;Next stage lasts 3 seconds
		Set fStage to 3			;setup stage 3
		Return				;used for efficiency
	ElseIf fStage ==3				;start stage 3 - player move and cleanup
		Player.moveto ACECellBlockMarker0	;move player to his prison cell
		Set fTimer to 1			;Next stage lasts for 1 second
		Set fStage to 4			;setup stage 4
	ElseIf fStage ==4				;Stage 4 - return player to normal operation
		player.removeallItems UCACEGunCabinet02Ref 1	;player is stripped of his items
		Set UCMain.PlayerFalldown to 0		;used for AI Package selection
		player.removescriptpackage UCACEPlayerFallsDownPackage		;player can get up
		Player.evp				;not sure if this is needed
		imod FadeInFromWhiteISFX		;fade back to normal
		EnablePlayerControls			;player controls are active again
		Set fStage to 5			;ensure no stages are run twice
		Set DoOnce to 2			;stop staged timer sequence
	Set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed
	If (player.getAV Health <= (player.GetbaseAV Health * 0.9))
;player health check goes here to prevent player from dying from flames
If CheckFollowers == 1				;follower move section
	UCVegaRef.DamageAV Fatigue -300			
	Set mTimer to 3
	Set CheckFollowers to 2
ElseIf CheckFollowers == 2 && mTimer <= 0
	UCVegaRef.Moveto ACECellBlockMarker1
	UCVegaRef.SetUnconscious 1
	Set Checkfollowers to 3
If mTimer > 0
	Set mTimer to mTimer - GetSecondsPassed

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I been searchin my tail off on this subject and as far as I know you are the man cause its pretty much scrpiting (AARGGGGH NOOOOOO!1 God bless frigging snuffaluffagus). Anyway. This term "Machinima" is the science off it all.. http://www.creative-3d.net/3dlinks/3D_Software_Tools.cfm This linjk hass about as much that your gonna find in one area without spending the day ( like I have) cutting into such antiqitaic surpla. Enjoy and share the knowledge. OH these programs supposed to take out the scripting,,yeaa.
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