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I'm just curious has anyone here ever heard of achron? video's


I've been following achron for roughly a year, as of january 1st an alpha build was released with pre orders. I have to say it is a very interesting game. There are a few things that have to be polished but when you are considering that there is real time time travel, it is awesome.

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I hadn't heard of it until now, but it looks pretty interesting (and a bit complicated...).


Is this a major company that made it or just a group of "modders"? 'Cause for a major company, the game looks terrible, but for a group of "modders", it's very good.

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I hadn't heard of it until now, but it looks pretty interesting (and a bit complicated...).


Is this a major company that made it or just a group of "modders"? 'Cause for a major company, the game looks terrible, but for a group of "modders", it's very good.

The game is made by an indie developer, honestly it is not a complex game there a slight learning curve, Also the game is in a alpha state which means that the engine works and is playable. I expect to see improved graphics and such by probably mid summer.


and if you're wondering I pre ordered it. It is an awesome game.

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