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The only reason I message as I'll not post the link here in the open just yet. I'll add some elaboration to the things on the site too.

Everyone themselves may decide whether to post stuff here, message me or post stuff there.


Sounds basic. Count me in if it only requires me to download/upload files and provide you with feedback. I don't have much time however this weekend (I'm gonna see DRI !!!!)

Sure, no problem. Thanks for the help. Everyone may test whenever they have time to or when they want to. I think we'll have the stuff launched not until next weekend so there is more than enough time.

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Owk, first couple of problems solved:


- Registration-emails going to the Spambox instead of the inbox.

- Amount of allowed uploads/downloads a day. (Now set to an enormous amount you'll never notice.)

- The description at the upload being aligned to the left instead of the right.

- The same description box being to small and messing with the short description.

- The User CP, multiple problems. Firstly being difficult to find and then difficult to get back!


Thanks to LordReaper and Thor. for addressing and finding these problems. Keep sending info!


Reported download speeds until now:

180Kb/s to upload files.

220Kb/s downloading from Europe. Confirmed by Slawter and Pronam.

The download rate fluctuates around it but 220kb/s is the average speed, not the max.

It's without the use of accelerators and we've both used Firefox.

Thor just commented on downloading it in 2 seconds?? I got to confirm that first haha.


Lord Reaper using Google Chrome had the same.. (220Kb/s) I think that's a good average we're getting :).


Australia seems to be a bad place for our site to download/upload stuff from!

Although Sarge hasn't got the best connection, it's still quite low.

40Kb/s for the download. 20Kb/s for the upload...Ay!

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Hey, I don't know if you have it up yet, but I will have time tomarrow to test out your service. It sounds indispensable. Just PM me with what you need tested, what kind of feedback you are looking for.
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Yeah, I was going to send you a pm now theuseless :). Ethre, I could still use you help. you'll get a pm too.

Other tests will come later Thor, argomirr went on a travel..so things got delayed for the newer tests :)

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