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Check the perk rank through script?


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In Fallout New Vegas they check the perk rank in the challenge scripts. If you have FNV you can go take a look, or I'll post a snippet of it once my computer finishes cloning itself.

You basically just say

if Player.HasPerk <perkID> [<,>,=] <value>

I might have it backwards, but that's the basic idea. In FNV it returns the rank of the perk, I don't know if it works in FO3 though, but it's worth a try.


Unfortunately, it won't work like that. As well as this

set rank to player.hasperk <perkID>
if (rank > 1)
do stuff

Maybe it works only with challenges, IDK.


There's also this post:


A common workaround is to set a global variable or quest variable and increment it whenever the perk rank is increased, and then check that value. This does require adding scripting to the perk though.

But I don't really understand how can I attach script to the perk.

Edited by Xilandro
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