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Gravity Gun


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I remember my favorite gun in the old N64 games was the gravity gun. It would be nice to throw objects like cars, busses, NPCs, and other movable objects at my enemies to kill them. To make this a non god item is by just allowing it to only be able to pick up one enemy or moveable item at a time because usually they are in packs.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I remember my favorite gun in the old N64 games was the gravity gun. It would be nice to throw objects like cars, busses, NPCs, and other movable objects at my enemies to kill them. To make this a non god item is by just allowing it to only be able to pick up one enemy or moveable item at a time because usually they are in packs.

From what i understand (which admittedly is very little) that would require lots of scripting... or its just impossible.


Good luck anyway. :confused:

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The Propulso5000 sounds similar to this, but less OP :o.

However "they say" that the propulso5000 can kill people by throwing them off stuff I personally found it very difficult to do so.

It would be cool tho if you could change the function of "Z" to pickup heavy objects and use the things you pick up as weapons... Doesn't sound compatible with fallout's game system tho :x.

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The scripting might actually not be that hard, I can think of one in my head now, but making the object actually do damage, is worse. Might need FOSE to change the weapons projectile if FOSE actually have that function.
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