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So how are you sure it's possible to stop it then? Why not rather change it into something that can be monitored and controlled. As if basically many agree in not stopping it as they want to use it..why not change the way they are using it. Same stuff with cars and the increased temperature of the globe. Said that as if cars would be the only source of the problem, as you say there is only one source. Getting all cars away right now is impossible, so they get hybrids and electric cars. Totally leaving out the subject and if it'll really help at that subject...it is the possible alternative that has, and does provide a solution.

So, what could be changed to the OS Future. As basically it can't be stopped, people will keep using it, just like cars. I've only heard 'stop driving cars'...isn't there a 2nd of even 3rd option...I'm missing that.

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For those who don't understand the term "cloud" it refers to a program which resides on the internet. Most programs are stored on your hard drive in order to be accessed later. The cloud means that instead of being on your hard drive, the program is loaded from the internet. This has many real uses today, from the mentioned spread sheet programs you can work at home with to gaming. Just check out any of the million free game hosting services. All cloud usually.


Google is Skynet. Just look it up. Cyberdyne reincarnate. They are dabbling in everything. I think that Microsoft is loosing its foothold. There is a video of Charlie Rose interviewing Bill Gates. Bill gates basically admitted that the future of computing was in mobile, usually hand held, devices. When I tried to youtube it, I couldn't find the whole video. I could totally see them making the cloud based OS on phones, then releasing an "optimized" version for laptops.


There are plenty out there that wouldn't use such cloud based applications, but I think most would. The average user would like the ease and lack of maintenance. Hmmm.... Maintenance would be a pain too. I play a game that is hosted mainly on the cloud (Magic the Gathering Online). It is always crashing and having bugs. People swear off it because it happens so often.


There is the question of security as well. In such a cloud based future OS, you would most likely have a team of overseers who report to their overlords. It is likely we would lose control of our own computers if that were to happen.



Google is Skynet!




The technological world is changing in ways we don't expect nor forsee. I've seen a good many people buying these throw away laptops that don't even have an external disk drive! It seems that usb thumbsticks are becoming the new storage standard. I laughed when people told me the internet would be a popular place. That was in 1992, when chatting was novel lol. I believed the expence or time it required to make a web page would discourage most users. Now everybody has a Myspace or Facebook. I also believed it nearly impossible to get a computer to hold the amount of storage, or have the amount of processing power, that we have today. My computer today was an infant of a dream in 1992. I had no clue we would be able to run photoshop, illustrator and a 3d rendering program all at once. You know what? My low end laptop can do that now. Expect big changes to come with this new decade.

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So how are you sure it's possible to stop it then? Why not rather change it into something that can be monitored and controlled. As if basically many agree in not stopping it as they want to use it..why not change the way they are using it. Same stuff with cars and the increased temperature of the globe. Said that as if cars would be the only source of the problem, as you say their is only one source. Getting all cars away right now is impossible, so they get hybrids and electric cars. Totally leaving out the subject and if it'll really help at that subject...it is the possible alternative that has, and does provide a solution.

So, what could be changed to the OS Future. As basically it can't be stopped, people will keep using it, just like cars. I've only heard 'stop driving cars'...isn't there a 2nd of even 3rd option...I'm missing that.


Im sure you will keep missing it because you see no hope in freedom, in fact you see no freedom at all! So how is it that you cant see any other outcome? I say thats why people like me and others keep the sight of hope and a free system alive instend of a comunistic rule as if one personson as say as Bill Gates did "All Shall Computers", lol I like his style but he aint been without food for weeks and I doubt if you have too. I grew up on dreams and hopes. People pray for us and that was it, empty hypoctitical statement that didnt mean crap but the downfall of my own people. Anyways. Point being I am just a voice in the wilderness begging for help for those who dont have it or may loose it and if you have the knowledge to do something and dont. It was better if you wasnt born and know the truth and not help others. So I will pick this up tomorrow cause it is 1 am here on the east coast. Didnt mean to preach but if it quaks ( you know the deal). If i dont respond as u think i should flatter your self. Love u guys. and have enjoyed our debate. sleep good/.

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Like Microsoft, Google won't be endless. It's in a progressive state for google now but that'll end just the same way. It's just the wondering how long they'll keep their position.


Lol, I never said there is no hope. Just sketching a what-if scenario. Besides that, Bill Gates believes computers will replace all paper..well. The piece of paper where the first amendment is written on will never be replaced by a machine made with his hands, people will defend that to the end. It'll never get too worse, that's just what I'm saying. Therefore it'll not gain a large group to 'stop' this that was all what I meant with the what if. Lol, we use 'If there is smoke there'll be fire.' instead of ducks. Lol, it's all ok but as you want 'all voices' to be heard in terms of an amendment, I see no trouble in a what if people might recognize more than a what will if you don't stop now.

Have a good night.

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I am leavin i promise,lol. As much as I hate it to say our America has screwed up, when we have 2nd quess the right to bare arms. So that being said we deserve to face HELL after all our for fathers die in vain when only * can over ride the our own amendents, so if we can do that the to hell with us all. It suck but thats what the white man gets with his cockyness in thinkuin his rule will last,. Like Google the numbers end after onehundere,lol. The who. God I got to go to bed, I know I cant leave you alone. In fact. I must stop,lol.
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@ pronam:


Besides that, Bill Gates believes computers will replace all paper..wel


this made me rofl. Been a while since a serious post did that :smile:


@ Honeybiscuit:


The second ammendment only applies to us in the states. It was pretty much nullified with the advent of nucular weapons. Tell me that you think we all should have access to that (or even the information on how to make them!) And our basic liberties have been trampled since the beginning. Humans were allowed to be sold as material objects when they wrote the constitution. It has a noble meaning, but if you take the words of Thomas Jefferson:


"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."


Really, there's no easy answer here.

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An entire cloud system where everyone in the world with a computer boots and stores data via the internet will never happen, I won't let it. I'm one guy with XP on one f*cked up (in a good way if that makes sense) ATM computer and I say thee nay! lol. And I know a lot of people who won't bite either. As long as the internet is still ACCESSIBLE to computers that aren't cloud operated there won't be a homogenous base of every person with a computer booting via cloud. There's enough eccentrics who frankly don't trust the reliability of cloud servers to do anything more than absolutely necessary on it (ie: to work on files at work or school because you HAVE TO) so it won't happen 100%...ever. By the time me and my fellow accentrics switch it'll be to something different than a cloud OS, it'll be the next thing that we can trust. And then in the fantasy world where everyone WANTS to have this OS or HAS to have it, they won't all be able to. Let's face it no one's going to lay a fiberoptics networking cable out to a house 200 miles from any other in the middle of Wyoming. Or two a lot of homes not in the city or towns, heck probly not in small towns either. The companies want MONEY and they'd spend more laying all those cables than theyd make especially if there was a universal cloud OS because it'd be necessity to everyone with it and they'd have to lower their rates or get lots of nasty mail (and possibly lawsuits.) And the day won't come where everyone relies on a cloud OS and it's provided by only one company or corporation, look at the competition over the past few years, Microsoft, Mac, and Linux have been beefing up OSs like crazy it doesn't matter who gets there first because everyone else will be close enough behind that by the time its POSSIBLE for most/all of America to be linked to a single network and cloud boot and store data that atleast the all three biggies will have come up with a cloud operating system and not everyone will want only one brand so there will never be a singular "world OS order" capitalism has made sure of that.
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As I see it, there are two forms which are being proposed. In one, everything is handled offsite by a master server, and people connect to that server through just a simple terminal with all inputs being sent to the server, and all outputs being streamed to the terminal. This is the service I was basing my points against since this is the scenerio that most raving nutjobs tend to talk about because it actually has more invested interest in by those companies who are for invasive anti-piracy measures. It is also the least practical and least acceptable method of handling the problem. This sort of thing has already happened with the cable television industry... Rather than seeing more and more restriction in user freedom, we're seeing more and more. Maybe not in your area, but in some of the more urban parts, there are as many as 5 cable companies and about a dozen satellite providers, each with their own programing plans and extras. The same thing is true in the case of phone service.



Admittedly, the other form where just the basic OS functions are handled by a server is not one I'm as familiar with in terms of it being related to some sort of despotism. It is also just as impractical, and un-enforcable as the other method.


I don't know about anyone else, but the first thing I did when installing XP, Vista, Win 7, was both disable the remote desktop feature and block its function both through changing services rules and adding firewall rules. The reason has less to do with some grand fear of any company, and more to do with the severe security issues that this feature came with. It was, afterall, one of the most popular backdoor methods of hacking XP users when it was first released. Now it is fine and good that there are people who not only use this system, but also like using this system, but that is hardly everyone. The failure on that end is that people will ALWAYS have a choice in the matter, either through disabling this option, or just deciding to use one of the other OS's out on the market which doesn't force it upon their users (like unix). Most people are willing to sacrifice convenience for security and privacy (or havn't you been to an airport in the last 10 years).


Which leads to the other part of this, the nature of the OS. As all encompassing as Microsoft might seem, there is one undenyable fact, they'll never be alone as an OS choice, and almost everything they've done since the beginning has been either copying Unix or mac features. Microsoft isn't inventing the future, they're trying desperately to keep from being swallowed by it. No matter what, or Apple does, they'll never be able to advance their features quicker or more completely than an open system like Unix is capable of. And, as Unix is an open-source project, handled by people who know programming, and would never accept such a flawed concept as a cloud system as the sole means of OS function, the future of some company imposing such an OS upon every user is an outright impossibility. For every 2 users that is willing to go with the flow, there is a programmer who is willing to oppose it. If people can hack their iPhones to run a Unix OS, and still run iPhone apps and function, there will be people able to make their own OS, even if it means scavenging compatible parts. The computer culture is just too developed to where anything like this could be forced or mandated.


Microsoft isn't looking toward the future any more, they're still trying to re-live the past. If you want further proof, just consider the marketing statement used to sell Win 7 "The most XP like OS since windows XP". That's a statement which is made by a company that clearly has their work cut out for them if they ever plan to move forward. As mentioned, you should really be more concerned with Google than anything.

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  • 3 weeks later...
. Dude I aint in to much of miltia shinples of crap but when you have pepele dictating what OS is gonna be. Isnt that`s Bill Gate`s dream? All people in the USA having a link to the web? Its good and productive but saying what OS is suitable and REQUIRED in order to access to the WEB is TAKING A DESPOTIC ROLE, like Britian. wake up. This Is The freeiest of all Nations so . Im sure those who dont have this freedom will mock,lol.


Moved to Debates, with a reminder that personal attacks will not be tolerated. -myrmaad

So help me find this so called personal attact and what it was. Im confused apon this report that was placed on me,lol.

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