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Need some advice from other cheaters..


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Let me just clarify that, yes, i enjoy cheating now and again.

I enjoy starting a new game, cheat myself to get "max" in every skill and get every perk.

But i haven't really found any mods out there that just partially seems to support us almighty warriors of F-U-I'M-GOD kind of types.


So i was hoping there is a few of you people out there whom enjoy cheating now and again,

and can share some advice and more so maybe a list of mods that work well together,

and also have at least partial support for god-like player characters.


I'm about to reinstall Skyrim due to the current mod combination i got makes the game crash randomly to the desktop without warnings or logs.

And i'm gonna go give Requiem a try, been VERY keen on messing around with that huge mod for a LONG time.



Well that's that, hope to hear from some of you people.

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Only one I could think of is this one http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2026/? and by God powers do you mean Over powered mods?


No, i mean like overhaul mods.

Some that gives players a hard time even when all their skills are at max.


I don't use TGM or the like, i just enjoy getting maxxed out in my skills and have all perks...


I just havent found any "overhaul" mods that take into account players reaching for the god like 85+ levels

At least i havent found any interesting mods that can offer much of a challange still, even when one reaches level 85+...

And that is what i look for... A mod that takes into account that players might eventually become "tanks"

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