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varla/welkynd stone holder scripting


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Edited entire post, as it did not make much since to me, I was extremely tired and did not know what I was really asking for.


I'm back, I had to take a break from modding, College started again, but I'll be working on this a little bit at a time, weekends most likely.




New question will be asked below....Sorry if this is against the ToS or anything.


But I could not understand what I was asking for

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Sorry but i made a big mistake : i forgot to tell you that you must use GetScriptVariable or define the "light" short variable in a Quest script and not only Object scripts.


In each Object script you can set your Objectscript.light to this QuestID.light variable, or directly use the QuestID variable for the conditions.



I don't understand what you mean (quote above)


Current Script:

Scriptname MalamathTurnLightsOnScript

Begin OnActivate Player

if ( light < 2 )
MessageBox "I should turn around and see if I can figure out how to light this area up. It is far too dangerous to venture any further without more light."


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I need a script that is based on the PC level to how many guards will show up.












Basically what I need is something similar to this.....


PC Level 1 to 10 = 2 guards spawn at 2 Levels higher than PC level

PC Level 11 to 15 = 3 guards spawn at 5 Levels higher than PC level

PC Level 16 to 20 = 5 guards spawn at 8 Levels higher than PC level

PC Level 21+ = 8 guards spawn at 15 Levels higher than PC level


Will be activated through a Player trigger.

Will be used multiple times in different locations in the same interior cell

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