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About CM companions:


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Can I see the encumbrance of a companion anywhere, when I invoke Share from their dialog menu?


When they have several outfits under clothing/armor, what takes precedence?


I've never seen one exchange armor for leisure wear, if they have both in inventory--unlike, say, Viconia or Baddy. Should I assume they will only wear one outfit all the time?


Nothing appears to be highlighted in the clothing/armor section of their inventories, as there is in the player character's to share it's being worn. Should I assume there's no way to change this for companions, so they show who's wearing what without simply looking at them?

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Can I see the encumbrance of a companion anywhere, when I invoke Share from their dialog menu?


There is no weight limit... but I don't think you'd want to use them as permanent storage, just temporary loot holders until you get to a store.


When they have several outfits under clothing/armor, what takes precedence?


It depends on how advanced the CM Companion is... Your average Companion will always just wear what is "best" in their inventory, more advanced ones like Viconia will alter what they wear and what they fight with to fit the situation, including wearing clothes when you are in town.


You may want to download this to store their gear and loot that you don't want them equipping at that point in time:




Its called the Bag of Holding, and it is no more cheating then storing stuff in the CM Companion so... might as well.


I've never seen one exchange armor for leisure wear, if they have both in inventory--unlike, say, Viconia or Baddy. Should I assume they will only wear one outfit all the time?


They will equip what has the "best" stats, that is the only time they will switch what they wear, assuming its not Viconia, the Witch Hunter, etc.


Nothing appears to be highlighted in the clothing/armor section of their inventories, as there is in the player character's to share it's being worn. Should I assume there's no way to change this for companions, so they show who's wearing what without simply looking at them?


It will not be highlighted, no.

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