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Favorite Combat Type Mods?


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I made this just for fun to see what everyone favorite combat and/or combat enhancing mods. This can range from mods like Midas Magic to Deadly Reflex. Just mods that change combat itself and make it well, more epic per say,


Well my personal favorites are Deadly Reflex, Midas Magic, Mighty Magika (I think that it was called, that or Supreme Magicka Update), that is for general enhancements. One mod that I've used I haven't cared for however is Unnecessary Violence. A little buggy in my honest opinion, but it's the only mod that has even come close to "true" dual-wielding.

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Mighty Magick is pretty different from Supreme Magicka. Both make major changes to the power of different kinds of spells, while SM also adds some new kinds of spells. MM really ramped up the power of offensive magic, in particular. SM doesn't do that at all, and the latter also provides a very nice INI file where you can alter a lot of the changes it makes.


I'd suggest avoiding MM. It had some issues causing savegame bloat on a small scale, and was eventually abandoned. SM is worth looking at, as is Less Annoying Magic Experience (LAME).

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I think I may have tried both obviously not at the same time...but from what I remember MM was designed to make Magic more worth while in the game, it does feel a little boring when unaltered.
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