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Ever seen a "krampus"?


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I post this cuz i red an interview with billy talent, who have seen a krampus during austria tour and said they ont know that in america.

Every year in christmas-time in austria there are some "krampus-races", where you can see hundred of people dressed as "monsters", who should exorcise the bad spirits in town.

But the main thing people looking at it, are the scary looks of those monsters.

Here are some pictures:

http://thecolumbuswench.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/krampus2.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LdYrmyPo924/SxSWRNLfAbI/AAAAAAAAAYw/CXvFkuo12u8/s1600/krampus3.jpg http://cache.boston.com/universal/site_graphics/blogs/bigpicture/2008_pt1/37_17033255.jpg http://www.oe24.at/multimedia/archive/00323/krampus_ap_323590z.jpg http://www.weihnachtsmarkt-deutschland.de/bilder/bad-goisern-krampus.jpg

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Hehe Kramups are not only in Austria. Here in slovenia we call them Pankrti whic is the same thing. But according to our ehm *Lore* they are lika an escort to St. Nicholas. They were used to scare naughty children and they are told that if they dont' behave these creatures will take them away.
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hahah :D very good, just one mistake: 2= dva

How come you had Slovenian lessons in school? I tought no-one even gets the difference between Slovenia and Slovakia, let alone teach it in schools.

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oh, i didn't realize you're from Austria. I live on the other side of Slovenia so i don't know how to speak you language. Even tough the "other side" is porbably just 2 hours of car journey away :P
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