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Ever seen a "krampus"?


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You gotta see that one time in your live!

Its a very special atmosphere cuz those guys hve bells on their as*es (has somthin to do with bad spirits :confused:) and when you stand on a place waiting for them

you can hear but dont see them that makes a kinda nervous, then when they come its so loud xou barely can talk to each other...

It also has this different smell (not a bad ones-more like fur or something) and the dressed guys beat you up sometimes...

http://www.schladming-dachstein.at/static/cms/__we_thumbs__/11751_2_krampus_Bauerpass2.jpg http://www.woche.at/uploads/wochen/ennstal/galleries/big/528-TeufelimFeuerkreis.jpg http://files.szene1.at/production/Event/220/Event4afe59f8e23a0.jpg

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