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Ways to make my game look even better?


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Here I am talking graphics wise... I currently use the following mods to alter how my game looks: RealVision ENB (with all the best graphical options), Skyrim 2K Textures Full, Lanterns of Skyrim, W.A.T.E.R, Static Mesh Improvement Mod and Unique Grasses and Groundcovers. I with these mods still have extremely high FPS as i just upgraded my PC so any mods might they be hard on your FPS is welcome if you have a suggestion for how I can make my game look even more beautiful.

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There are so many and it's all so subjective. Here's a few I think are some of the best.


Skyrim Flora overhaul

Deadly spell impact

Burn Freeze shock effects

Amidianborn Book of Silence

Ultimate HD Fire Effects

The ENB you're using was made for CoT, so get that too. Although I think it still look correct without it.

SkyFalls and SkyMills

Bellyaches Animals and creatures

Enhanced Blood

Better dynamic Snow

Quality Snow

Realistic Water 2

Watercolor for ENB

All of Rafuel's mods

Visible Windows

HD Misc

Hectrol Caves

Book covers

Lorkhan Vision

Edited by Caithe
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ELFX (if you're not using it already)

Vivid Landscapes (all)

aMidianBorn Book of Silence

Osmodius Windhelm Texture Pack & Solitude Pack (New)

Realistic Texture Overhaul (pick what you like from series)

Pure Waters or Realistic Water 2

Skyrim Bigger Trees + TreesHD Skyrim Variation (2k for normal version and 4k for max size of Skyrim Bigger Trees)

Grass on Steroids (vanilla size) + Unique grasses and ground covers or SFO + UG&GC

Mindflux high poly grass mesh and texture

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