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Mod Request: Become the Emperor


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I mean, I've looked and looked, everywhere. It seems like this would be one of the first mods people would think to do, but i can't find a single one. Even a real crappy one made by someone. I use giskarduk's the elder council mod and Kvatch Aftermath. I am a marquis, an imperial legion liutenant, and the count of kvatch, and the champion of cyrodil, but i want to become the emperor. Call my powerhungry if you will.


But does anyone know of a place where a GOOD mod like this exists? If so, where? And if not, can someone make one? I guarantee, if it's nicely done, it will be a very loved mod.


However... I don't want some mod that's done in a day... I want one that is a good, well made mod, maybe that's built off of the Elder Council mod, with a good system made for it. I'm not too picky about the specifics, but something well made would be awesome.



I would do it myself, but unfortunately my expertise with the Construction Set comes down to changing item's power's and making enchantments for things and stuff like that...

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