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Begin OnUnequip block problem?


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Hello again,


I'm having a bit of trouble with a mod I put on the nexus a little while ago, basically the point in the mod is that players can equip an amulet, a message box pops up and they select a weapon, then with every kill the weapons that can be summoned get stronger. That all works ok.


However, when the player unequips the amulet the summoned weapon is supposed to be removed from the player, which works fine when you go via the menu, but not if you use a hotkey. It appears that if you use a hotkey the Begin OnUnequip block dosen't start. Any ideas on how to fix this?


You can get the mod here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29077

So you can see what I mean.





P.S Thanks for the help with my last thread!

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