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Dixie Flag


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im needing confederate flags both just by them selfs and poles, both tattered and good condition, and possiably some head wraps


im currently in the process of making a quest/story line obviously as the topic description states, in the current time of weakness the south will try to seize its chance to rise up to the occasion. Although, I'll be ruling out some of the aspects such as racism and unneccasary things of the sort.

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(Part of this text contains what might be a spoiler for the game)


I think that you should include the racism but make it something that will fit in with the game, mabey even make it subtle. The main idea however is not to glorify it, to make it what it is, a horrible thing. And I think that the comment made before was to reflect that you cannot have one thing without having the other. So in other words, you cant have the South trying to rise to power over the wastes without them wanting some form of racist "decree" or order being put into action. Just like what was mentioned before, a racist factor can be taken from the ghouls (or more widely the mutated creatures of the game), as in Presedent Eden wanting you to eliminate them with the use of the water purifier and as most people could see (im hoping) he was depicted as an evil character. I think that it is this priciple of subtle racism that can be used when making this mod. But it is of course, the decision of the modder as to what they are going to do with this idea and what they are going to do about the racist factor of it. Im sure that this idea wasn't spawned with any form of racism included in it but I believe it is a factor that needs to have some thought put into it before it is discarded.

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But why would the south be less affected enough to form a co-ordinated attack?


Areas such as the South are far more rual than the Northeast and California regions. So first of all, it wouldn't be hit as hard by an attack. Secondly, it would be more capable of handling a total infrastructure collapse, because rual areas are traditionally less reliant on federal infrastructure than big cities like Washington DC.


But then again, my theory is more for a traditional apocolypse, as opposed to one that involves everyone going into Vaults for 20+ years, which kind of re-sets things.


But I still think rual areas would be more likely to rebuild because they have farm land and smaller communities as opposed to big broken concrete jungles and way too many people to be supported on what little useable land is left.


Considering that D.C. was probly hit by 300x more bombs than say Goddard, Kansas (though Kansas is absolutly not part of the Confederacy or South in any way shape or form) would have. So my theory is that the land would be a bit more usable, especially since it would have been farmland anyways before the bomb.




But anyways, that is just my theory.




As far as racism goes though, I don't think racism against humans would survive after the creation of Ghouls and Supermutants. I think people of different races would band together to hate Supermutants and the like.

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So much ignorance in one place. They should make this thread a tourist attraction.


You yankees and whatnot have some strange ideas about the modern south. Racism is pretty much a non-issue these days. We even have rampant interracial dating. Jim Crow died 40 years ago.

We southerners hate democrats, yankees, lawyers and other vermin FAR more than we ever hated blacks.


As for a second civil war, well, I don't know about the universe of Fallout 3, but I don't think we're going to be waiting until 2277 to start it in ours. Maybe the first skirmishes will start in 2010. Many states are already making rumblings about bailing out of these so far still United States. As such, I certainly agree that after WWIII the south will very likely NOT allow itself to be considered part of the same country whose idiotic leaders got everything nuked. The south will rise again, even if it has to do it from radioactive ashes.


However, there is NO reason whatsoever to believe or assume that the new CSA will make any sort of nasty racial decrees, and the idea that you think it should in this mod is too silly to even be right & properly offensive.


Hmmm... I'll change one thing: After war with china, the chinese would have no friends in the south. Blacks and whites would equally pitch in to kill them on sight, together, hand in hand.

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one thing I forgot before though


with a much smaller concentration of vaults, the South would have a much smaller population of non mutated humans. Even without haveing as many direct nuke hits as the north the radiation would have devistated the south


so unlike in DC, I bet that the Ghouls would probly outnumber the people comeing out of vaults



I would bet that the biggest conventration of vaults by far would be DC, LA, and NYC, while most of the south would be totaly out of luck with the exeption of a scattered vault here and there. Since the highest vault number seen to date is 112 it would be safe to assume there arn't enough vaults out there to properly cover a large majority of rual America.

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