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Small house with basement


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I'd like to have a mod made but I can't quite get the hang of the Creation Kit tool.


Anyways let me get down to the house specifics:


I'd like it to be one floor with a basement.

In the basement should be the kitchen with racks to "harvest" rabbit, fish and whatever else can go up there, with storage containers (1-3).

Also on the other side of the basement should be 1-2 crafting stations with proper storage next to the stations (1 container per station).

On the first floor, it should have about 4-5 manikins, storage for various weapon types (weapon racks and a chest or 2). Also, 2-3 bookshelves, one on either side of the bed would be nice plus one extra wherever.

Outside, there should be the forge, plus various ingredients for alchemy and such and whichever leftover crafting stations there are.

Would prefer it to not be in a city or other place where I would have to worry about accidentally attacking a friendly npc.


To summarize, I'd like a house just big enough to have all of my crafting stations & storage at, without the place being gigantic, so long as it's a decent enough size to get around and easily find stuff.. and so long as there's not a huge amount of stuff to be loaded at once. Would prefer it to be a open house with little to no doors except to go back outside.

Edited by vgchat
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