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favourite quotations?


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I don't know how it goes but i laugh every time when i speak to the Innkeeper in the Crucible.


"Well...it seems I am dying. Yes, these may be my last days in the Shivering Isles. That is unless someone like yourself could help me find the cure. But no one has taken me upon my offer, even with the promise of a reward. Ah, well it's been a good life I suppose..."


is that the 1?

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Owyn's dialogue:


"That's Ysabel Andronicus, crabby old woman who sits over there. She's dear to me, so if you wrong her in any way, I'll rip your damn liver out." http://smileydatabase.com/s/490.gif

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Sheogorath (somebody already mentioned these, but this is more exact):


"Ta, come visit again, or I'll pluck out your eyes!"

"I'm so happy I could just rip out your intestines and skip rope with them!"


Haskill (When you get the power to summon him, if you do it SEVERAL times while still in the throne room he slowly gets angrier and angrier)


"I assume your having fun?"

"I was right there, you could have just walked over to me."

"What a surprise! I'm summoned. Your skill in repetition is truly astounding."

"That's enough. Really."

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