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Game Locks Up When Fast Traveling Sometimes


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First, I'll post my computer specs, it may help diagnosing my problem.


Vista ultimate, 64 bit

2x 295 GTX Quad SLI latest drivers installed.

i7 920 oc'd 3.81ghz.

6gb high speed ram

2x Raptor HD's in raid 0.


My game sometimes locks up when I fast travel sometimes and I need to end the process in task manager. This happens quite often which is really annoying. If it didn't do this as often as it does it wouldn't bother me as much. I tried disabling auto save on fast travel and that didn't work, as I have read online to do if this would happen. Would really appreciate it if someone could help.

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If you have some mods installed, they could be the culprit. Not all mods are built the same. Some are cleaner than others. Try removing all of your mods and then add them back one-at-a-time and play a while to see if you're getting the crash on Fast travel or not. This way you can figure out which mod is to blame. If you have no mods installed, then you may have a corrupt save. To fix that, you can do one of two things:


1) Go to an empty interior cell. Wait 3+ days. Save and exit to the desktop. Start the game again using the save you just made. Go the the wasteland and try to fast travel. If that doesn't work, then you must do number 2.

2) Start a new game.

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I see, thank you very much for your reply. I only have two mods, one is high definition rocks and ground textures. The other is a gui mod that gives a different look for trading/talking/looting. Basically all I need to do is go inside somewhere that is not in the world like a house that isn't occupied and wait 3 days? I'll try that.
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