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How big is my worldspace compared to Skyrim


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I'm working on a rather large worldspace which I created using the Creation Kits heightmap editor. After doing some math, I've determined that the size of my worldspace is 16384 cells, with a bit over 3/4 of it land and the rest water. I did some research and found varying answers, so I decided to get the opinion of the excellent community over here on the Nexus. So my final question is, how big is my ENTIRE worldspace, compared to that of Skyrim?


Thanks in advance,



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Skyrim from memory is 64x32 cells. But a large portion of it is not playable

Also note that your worldspace needs to be a mutliple of 32, or weird things happen with the LOD

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Skyrim from memory is 64x32 cells. But a large portion of it is not playable

Also note that your worldspace needs to be a mutliple of 32, or weird things happen with the LOD

What do you mean it has to be a multiple of 32? I believe the total area of the heightmap is 32 x 32 quads.

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