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Issue with enb


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Hi there, I have an HP 6178sl with switchable graphics, an Intel HD integrated video card and an AMD Radeon HD 6700m.

The problem is that I'm in Dynamic Mode (you choose through Catalyst Control Center which video card to use for each program) and I selected the AMD for Skyrim, but when the game starts the enb current video adapter is the Intel card. The game runs without any problems (so it's truly using the Radeon) but when I switch to first person by pressing F, the visuals stutter if I move the mouse or the character. In third person there's no problem! And this doesn't happen if I play the game in Fixed Mode (by changing this setting in BIOS); in this case, the enb current video adapter is written to be the Radeon card. But I can't stay in fixed mode because of driver instability. Is there any way to force the enb to use the AMD? Because I guess this is the problem...

Edited by XsauroxPlayer
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