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Custom Models In G.E.C.K.


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Ive been using the G.E.C.K. for about a year now (and yet im still not any good at it :P) and I wanted to know whether or not you can actually get your own models into the game without editing or using anything out of the fallout archives. Ive been trying for ages to do this, ive searched the web and the G.E.C.K. site for help on this but they all say nothing helpfull. I found out a while ago it was because nifSkope, blender, or something the like wasnt actually compatable with one another or with the G.E.C.K. or something, but they brought out a newer version of it that was said to be compatable but it doesnt work for me. Could someone please provide a clear set of instructions on how to get a model (with animation) from blender or some other modeling program (if that works better) into the G.E.C.K. so that it actually works in-game or is this still impossible to do? Oh yeah and does anyone know how to add havok data to a static object?
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