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Any Necromancer clothings or armor?


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I've been looking high and low and haven't really found any type of Necromancer gear, I remember a couple of years back there was a mod where you could equip books and scrolls onto your character and it woulds buff up his conjuration skills, restoration skills and other magic perks, but I don't remember what It was called. Also is there any sort of Necromancer armor with bones on it? Sorta like what had Diablo 2 had ? Any help with greatly appreciated.

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How about this?










EotW Mage Equipment Overhaul - Long Mage Robes




EotW Mage Robes of Skyrim





Dragonhide Robes by hothtrooper44





Dragon Bone Mage Armor by Natterforme






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Hey alright, this is what I was looking for Black Thorn. This is what I was looking for but I just didn't think to look into that mod, it had been so long.

Edited by BlakeW
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