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Chandra Nalaar Armor


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I want to make some Magic: The Gathering-based characters. Chandra and Ajani are the most "doable" of the main Planeswalkers with the mechanics of Skyrim, along with possibly Liliana. Sorin Markov would almost DEFINITELY be doable for a vampire character, and possibly Sarkhan Vol and Tezzeret.


Anyway, I got off on a tangent. Considering that Chandra seems to be the easiest to successfully create gameplay-wise, I would like to see someone create Chandra's armor. I'd like something that is at least be strong enough to make it a mid-to-late game survivability value light armor (Glass? Elven? Dragon? Glass value of armor rating and value seems OK to me, even though it makes the most sense as Leather), and has no base enchantments because I like doing custom enchantments on my stuff. Would anyone be willing to do this for me? I'd do it myself if I knew how to work with Creation Kit, and if my laptop was capable of running CK (last time I tried to, it jammed the entire computer, and every time before that had simply jammed the CK).


Thanks in advance.

Edited by mrhardy12
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