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Permission to Pickpocket People of a Paralyzed Persuasion


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I've been RPing as a thief who mugs travelers on the road, but I don't want to kill every poor sap who crosses my path. Also, I've been bothered by the fact that you can't steal stuff off of paralyzed people. I mean, it's a cheap exploit for a progress-oriented gamer, but for rp purposes it would do wonders to have a way to steal without getting into a battle to the death for a few coins (assuming you get a running start.) So, I just thought it would be neat if someone made a mod that would let enterprising young brigands to bring in a profit without leaving a pile of corpses.


So, any takers?

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I'm not sure if this is part of the vanilla game, but in my requiem playthrough I have used the hibernation touch spell once or twice on npcs far too high level for my character to pickpocket decent medalions etc >:).. for me this spell isnt classed as a crime in itself, once a npc is asleep I spam the activate / e key till they wake up and you can pickpocket. In my mind it is the equivelant of knocking someone out then robbing them as you are helping them back onto their feet, taking advantage of their confused state. If a guard is nearby you will get fined, though you can do it to a guard and he wont say a word hehe, it honestly is like they are dased and confused from the spell :)

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