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If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?


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You cant say its fake.

Okay, maybe it's a bit too pushed, but the pollution (CO2) causes the global warming.

You know, today population increases fast today, that means more people will drive cars, more people will waste much things, means theres gonna be more CO2.

So I think somehow theres probably going to be global warming.

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Global warming is no fake. When I was a teen the CO2 level was 325 ppm. Now it´s 350 ppm.

CO2 is a gas that keeps the infrared radiation from escaping, thus warming up the atmosphere. All facts.

But we are not gonna die of heat strokes in 2012. The world continues, but you better start belive in it soon, or it could be 2112.

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but you know, its getting warmer some degrees, and for example the ice on the poles melts more than it did some years ago.

the water is..i dont know how to say that right now...but you probably know what i mean...there is going to be more water, which will flood some cities..

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hmmm...but if it got too hot and too much ice melted and then people drown because some cities get flood BEFORE the ice age will come (if it does really happen, then in about over 100-1000 years I guess...) it's already too late..

And as Balagor already said, the sunlight (which warms the earth) can't escape, because the ozon (which consists of CO2) gets more and more, means, less sunlight and warming can get out of our atmosphere, means it will get warmer on earth.

That is proven, and if we all don't do anything against it, we will die (well, maybe not we, who live right now, but probably our children, the children of our children and so on...)

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I think it's kind of funny when people get all riled up about climate change. Hello?? The climate has ALWAYS been changing. It's the nature of our planet, and I don't see the Planet respecting the status quo anytime soon. But even as I say this, I subscribe to the Gaia theory to an extent, that the Earth has means and mechanisms to balance things out. So, we have more CO2? Well, then Halleluja for plants then, 'cause they BREATHE that stuff...and make O2 (Oxygen) for us classified under the kingdom of Animalia, and we're all good. It's a mutualistic relationship. So if us humans are making a mess of it by producing more and more CO2, that will just mean plants will grow more, and that they will use it to produde more oxygen.


Oh, and as far as the "scientific research" behind global warming...it's all phooey. The scientist who did the study (note the singular) admitted the numbers were a little fudged, and his main endorsor was Al Gore, who was on a presidential campaign at the time, and this was his main pitch: that he knew the 'immenent doom' and had the 'plan' to fix it. He lost the election.


Global Warming is nothing more than a political scheme to try get developing nations to halt industrialization, and try to get all the big bad developed industrialized nations (like the US and China, the biggest producers of carbon emmissions) to get along, and try to reduce the amount of mass-produced goods we produce.


I believe that someday, far in the future, the world will end, if only for the sole reason that, if things have a beginning, they ought to have an end. I just don't think it'll be anytime soon, and I definately don't think that it'll be because "Global Warming" has anything to do with it.


And again, the Mayans, (nor any other human civilization) can't see thousands of years into the future anyway, so why bother with them even if they were scientifically credible?


Global Warming, 2012, it's all phooey!


And that's my two cents on the issue.

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I think it's kind of funny when people get all riled up about climate change. Hello?? The climate has ALWAYS been changing. It's the nature of our planet, and I don't see the Planet respecting the status quo anytime soon. But even as I say this, I subscribe to the Gaia theory to an extent, that the Earth has means and mechanisms to balance things out. So, we have more CO2? Well, then Halleluja for plants then, 'cause they BREATHE that stuff...and make O2 (Oxygen) for us classified under the kingdom of Animalia, and we're all good


lol, lots of plants (trees and stuff) get burnt or stuff to make new industrial fields there you know...

yeah, there are still forests burnt...

also today there is too much CO2 for the trees, they cant "BREATHE that stuff" enough to balance it out...


You better start believe the Global Warming theory before it's too late...

And also, even if the global warming theory isn't true, it could be good to stop the earth pollution a bit, before the world looks like fallout 3 in the end, even though there hasn't been a nuclear war...

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For lack of a better word, bull.

The Mayans believed it would be an end of an age defined by the stars, you know those sparkly things in the sky at night. In other words an entire period of time dominated by a certain zodiac sign, Im unsure on our current age but I believe it to be something like the Fish.


Also, BLACK HOLES DONT WORK THAT WAY! but at least you mentioned white holes, long live Red Dwarf!

If you want to get technical no one knows exactly how Black Holes work we can only theorize... However new theories arise and old ones are disproven all the time and I don't keep up on that stuff and so my information is likely dated it was from a rather lengthy article on one of Hawkings's theories and a special on NatGeo or Discovery back in 2000-2002 I don't remember when exactly. I'm not surprised that the current theories are confilicatory it seems like all the black hole theories are save for the parts about white holes.


About Global Warming: The Earth's atmospheric temperature does indeed rise and fall this is proven and undeniable fact. The question is do we as humans influence it significantly enough for the atmoshpere to do anything other than what it would do without us. Frankly I don't think so after all COWS produce more green house gasses than us. The climate does change this is true and we probly have some impact but it's probably about the equivelant of a drop of water in an olympic sized swimming pool.

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The global temp. Is rising. How we know that, is because several teams of scientists(not just one) have been drilling 2000meters into the polar ice caps.

By studying this core, they have been able to make a very accurate picture of the temps. several thousand years back.

They have done this many times in different places, and they started more than 20 years ago (way before Al Gore´s campain).

When the scientists can read a temp. curve with accuracy, they can read we have had glacial periods, and inter glacial periods.

What disturbes them now, is that the latest 100 years they can read that the temp has been rising, compared to other inter glacial periods.


What have happend for the last 100 years? INDUSTRY! CARS! HOUSE WARMING/AIR CONDITIONING!


And yes @darkprodigy4u, as a gardener and a owner of a nursery I do know that plants use CO2 and release O2 (Oxygen) in their photosyntesys, but in their respiration it is the opposite, however with a small surplus of O2. Then don´t forget "the lung of the world" the rain forrest, wich sufferes from dire extermiation like conditions, and is no longer the effective CO2 buffer it used to be.


I don´t know how documentary tv is in Austalia and USA.


I have seen doc tv about oilcompanies spending billions world wide to contradict these theories about fossile fule adding CO2 into the atmosphere.


Don´t believe all you hear around you (not even me). But keep an open mind. It is you who are young today that are going to live with it.


This is allmost a new topic. Perhaps I should ask for getting this part moved, or just start a new?

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