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Talking activators and dialogue


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I want to have the player be talking with an NPC, and when the NPC says a certain line, the camera moves over and the dialogue comes out of an intercom. Does anyone know how to make this happen? The talking activator tutorials are not very good. Thanks.

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The best way is to look how it was done in the game. For example, check HVIntercom (a talking activator) - it's the intercom in the BOS bunker. Check its script, then check the dialogue of Ramos (NPC).

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The best way is to look how it was done in the game. For example, check HVIntercom (a talking activator) - it's the intercom in the BOS bunker. Check its script, then check the dialogue of Ramos (NPC).

I appreciate your reply, but this isn't what I want. I want an NPC to switch to the intercom after a line of dialogue, not at the first interaction.

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I use to jump dialogue from a npc to another (à la Beyond Boulder Dome), never tried with an intercom but I feel it should work. I would put that last line of the npc flagged as Goodbye, then as end result script I would put IntercomREF.Activate Player. The camera should immediately move to the intercom, which will start dialogue. Flagging Intercom's dialogue as Goodbye and putting on end result script NPC.startconversation player, the camera will go back to the npc. Placing them in the correct position should have quite a pretty cinematic effect in game

Edited by Fallout2AM
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